2013-08-29 f4ac2b8c1ef97a8adf29501f5599fb8adb4df00c
2013-08-29 Novatux
Make power distribution more efficient.
tree@ f4ac2b commitdiff
2013-09-24 ShadowNinja
Don't consume items or drain power when there isn't room for the results
tree@ bd3cc7 commitdiff
2013-07-17 ShadowNinja
Partial rewrite
tree@ ee0765 commitdiff
2013-08-31 Novatux
Use only 1 node for frame motors.
tree@ 48ea6f commitdiff
2013-08-25 GloopMaster
Update grinder_gloopores.lua
tree@ f8132c commitdiff
2013-07-30 kol0
correction amount of energy produced
tree@ 57dc89 commitdiff
2013-07-25 Jonathan Raphael Joachim Kolberg
Finaly fixed the statements
tree@ 50b8ae commitdiff
2013-07-25 RealBadAngel
Deployer and node breaker are now moved to pipeworks.
tree@ d8ec3f commitdiff
2013-07-24 hdastwb
fixed a condition with mv machines so as to not power down machines with st...
tree@ 2d7f75 commitdiff
2013-07-21 hdastwb
added connect_sides to appropriate tube tables
tree@ 2e4d98 commitdiff
2013-07-19 Jonathan Raphael Joachim Kolberg
added a mv grinder
tree@ d37cf7 commitdiff
2013-07-17 RealBadAngel
Commons for battery boxes
tree@ acc7f7 commitdiff
2013-07-17 RealBadAngel
Remove lv, mv, and hv tiers from power tools. Theyre already tiered with Mk...
tree@ 3bc6ca commitdiff
2013-07-15 RealBadAngel
LV batbox background
tree@ 922d25 commitdiff
2013-07-15 RealBadAngel
Add compressor
tree@ 410afa commitdiff
2013-07-13 ShadowNinja
Gigh -> High
tree@ 57cd39 commitdiff
2013-07-13 ShadowNinja
Fix code style of the high voltage battery box
tree@ 1f4c62 commitdiff
2013-07-13 ShadowNinja
Fix coding style of nuclear reactor
tree@ 187015 commitdiff
2013-07-12 ShadowNinja
Add LuaVoxelManip support to forcefield
tree@ 4f35f4 commitdiff
2013-07-12 ShadowNinja
Fix forcefield
tree@ 30361a commitdiff
2013-07-11 kpoppel
Remove file that doesn't seem to have any use. Fix typing error in register...
tree@ fa8469 commitdiff
2013-07-11 ShadowNinja
Move files to subfolders
tree@ 5d470c commitdiff
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