descriptionmod technic
owners Cristiano Magro
last changeFriday, September 3, 2021 15:27 +0200
size17.8 MB
stats996 commits and 0 tags in 8 years, 1 month metrics
repository url
2020-09-19 SmallJoker
Merge new documentation with technic/doc
d8fe9a diff | tree
2020-09-16 SmallJoker
Denser documentation. 'Slay The Dragon' Part 2
c06a56 diff | tree
2020-09-15 SmallJoker
Denser documentation. 'Slay The Dragon' Part 1
cd5a3e diff | tree
2020-09-12 auouymous
Prevent protection check on MV machine close (#569)
a5b36b diff | tree
2020-09-11 auouymous
Add ethereal support to chainsaw (#570)
b9f89a diff | tree
2020-09-11 auouymous
Protect self-contained injector formspec buttons (#568)
03bb4d diff | tree
2020-09-09 auouymous
Constructor: Add protection check (#564)
d73366 diff | tree
2020-09-07 auouymous
Restore recipe for bronze block to ingots (#566)
3c85ab diff | tree
2020-09-05 David Leal
Fix warning reported by LuaCheck (#563)
11f2b4 diff | tree
2020-06-27 KaylebJay
Drill and laser: call node-specific on_dig (#556)
00618d diff | tree
2020-06-24 David Leal
Remove node_ownership support, cleanup (#560)
6154a0 diff | tree
2020-06-24 KaylebJay
Add external machine registration support (#557)
438c08 diff | tree
2020-06-13 SmallJoker
Add issue template
88f2bc diff | tree
2020-06-12 David Leal
Add GitHub workflow and luacheck (#545)
a8daa4 diff | tree
2020-05-27 Vanessa Dannenberg
Fix incorrect numeric types for 5.3.0-dev
befe3e diff | tree
2020-05-13 BobFred7
Alloy furnace: More realistic recipe balance (#549)
df7f2e diff | tree
more commits...
2021-09-03 xno_tree_trap Cristiano Magro Merge branch 'master' into xno_tree_trap log | tree | raw
2020-09-19 master SmallJoker Merge new documentation with technic/doc log | tree | raw