2013-07-06 e64994d473fce07b2a92bd86a85c6d118ae8ff7d
2013-07-04 kpoppel
Fix cycling power drain on the forcefield. Now it disables itself if no power.
blob@ 73209c commitdiff | diff to current
2013-07-04 kpoppel
Forcefield now working with updated power scheme.
blob@ 9a0d3f commitdiff | diff to current
2013-07-02 kpoppel
Changed power distribution method and streamlined the various existing mach...
blob@ ee5c6c commitdiff | diff to current
2013-03-21 ShadowNinja
Remove unnescescary function calls from forcefields and add an enable/disab...
blob@ e5d48e commitdiff | diff to current
2013-03-20 RealBadAngel
Added Forcefield generator by ShadowNinja
blob@ c6da0a commitdiff | diff to current
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