Vanessa Ezekowitz
2017-04-09 72c536c04eb98aae29e983acd761bc94d7d26ca9
author Vanessa Ezekowitz <>
Sunday, April 9, 2017 20:07 +0200
committer Vanessa Ezekowitz <>
Sunday, April 9, 2017 20:07 +0200
tree 547e0f59ab87fdd2e35a1b439b3bb15c8e2652b7 tree | zip | gz
parent b67bca1277ee9abcce590d57830617065539372c view | diff
always set the EU level
don't wait for production = 0.

(if water is removed, that causes phantom output)
1 files modified
4 ■■■ changed files
technic/machines/LV/water_mill.lua 4 ●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history