Vanessa Ezekowitz
2017-04-13 1d20af1bcba7611289d194afcac0dc1ecec87a0c
author Vanessa Ezekowitz <>
Thursday, April 13, 2017 03:52 +0200
committer Vanessa Ezekowitz <>
Thursday, April 13, 2017 04:22 +0200
tree dd3fdc14e6b193fae48d2cbb7fe2da70d619bf85 tree | zip | gz
parent 7c11ff18766e416d557046dc6c5d109d5ae10846 view | diff
replace HV nuke reactor nodeboxes with comparable mesh model
model includes a flat extension on one "side" to fix #342

rotate the reactor with the screwdriver with shift-right-click before filling, to
line up the flat side with your cabling. Note that the reactor doesn't actually
care which side the cable comes from.
1 files added
1 files modified
412 ■■■■■ changed files
technic/machines/HV/nuclear_reactor.lua 50 ●●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history
technic/models/technic_reactor.obj 362 ●●●●● diff | view | raw | blame | history