StenoTutor per imparare stenotipia
descriptionStenoTutor per imparare stenotipia
owners Cristiano Magro
last changeSunday, December 27, 2020 22:23 +0100
size15.5 MB
stats85 commits and 0 tags in 3 years, 2 months metrics
repository url
2016-09-25 Cristiano Magro
Fix some error for ArrayList index
1e7627 diff | tree
2016-09-24 Cristiano Magro
Fix new processing version
211b0f diff | tree
2015-12-24 Emanuele Caruso
Fixed to start with LearnPlover first lesson
8539f8 diff | tree
2015-12-24 Emanuele Caruso
Lesson completed announcement added because it was actually mising
4feb1f diff | tree
2015-12-24 Emanuele Caruso
Merge branch 'master' of
76e9d5 diff | tree
2015-12-24 Emanuele Caruso
Fixed end of lesson bug and added a lesson completed TTS announcement
3629d6 diff | tree
2015-12-24 Emanuele Caruso
Fixed end of lesson bug and added a lesson completed TTS announcement
352c81 diff | tree
2015-12-23 Emanuele Caruso
added missing files, no changes to code or lessons
684b81 diff | tree
2015-03-01 Emanuele Caruso
added learn_plover drill 1-2
62cdf6 diff | tree
2015-03-01 Emanuele Caruso
renamed learn_plover_1-1 drill
627014 diff | tree
2015-03-01 Emanuele Caruso
Fixed some chords in learn_plover_1 lesson
fafa7c diff | tree
2015-02-25 Emanuele Caruso
Added 'Learn Plover' first lesson files, and set it as default lesson
739605 diff | tree
2015-02-22 Emanuele Caruso
Lowered default difficulty
432cf9 diff | tree
2013-08-17 Emanuele Caruso
08c6bb diff | tree
2013-08-17 Emanuele Caruso
Fixed two bugs which caused OutOfMemory error. Also, TTS sounds now don't o...
6c9b42 diff | tree
2013-08-17 Emanuele Caruso
README update
2fde1d diff | tree
more commits...
2020-12-27 italian Cristiano Magro Sistemazione lezioni italiano log | tree | raw
2016-09-25 master Cristiano Magro Fix some error for ArrayList index log | tree | raw