2013-07-06 e64994d473fce07b2a92bd86a85c6d118ae8ff7d
2013-07-02 kpoppel
Changed power distribution method and streamlined the various existing mach...
blob@ ee5c6c commitdiff | diff to current
2013-06-12 kpoppel
Added the Mv and HV down converters. Doing that required some changes to th...
blob@ cfb5bd commitdiff | diff to current
2013-06-03 kpoppel
Added solar arrays for all voltage tiers. Added transformers for all voltag...
blob@ ede397 commitdiff | diff to current
2013-05-09 RealBadAngel
Add HV battery box
blob@ 64207b commitdiff | diff to current
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