| | |
| | | end |
| | | |
| | | -- main buttons |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "button[0,9;1.8,.5;craft;Craft]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "button[1.6,9;1.8,.5;craftguide;Craft Guide]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "button[3.2,9;1.8,.5;bags;Bags]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "button[4.8,9;1.8,.5;misc;Misc.]" |
| | | |
| | | local start_x=0 |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.65*0)..",9;.8,.8;ui_craft_icon.png;craft;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.65*1)..",9;.8,.8;ui_craftguide_icon.png;craftguide;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.65*2)..",9;.8,.8;ui_bags_icon.png;bags;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.65*3)..",9;.8,.8;ui_sethome_icon.png;home_gui_set;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.65*4)..",9;.8,.8;ui_gohome_icon.png;home_gui_go;]" |
| | | if minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.65*5)..",9;.8,.8;ui_sun_icon.png;misc_set_day;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.65*6)..",9;.8,.8;ui_moon_icon.png;misc_set_night;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.65*7)..",9;.8,.8;ui_trash_icon.png;clear_inv;]" |
| | | end |
| | | |
| | | --controls to flip items pages |
| | | local start_x=9.2 |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "button["..(start_x+.6*0)..",9;.8,.5;start_list;|<]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "button["..(start_x+.6*1)..",9;.8,.5;rewind3;<<]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "button["..(start_x+.6*2)..",9;.8,.5;rewind1;<]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "button["..(start_x+.6*3)..",9;.8,.5;forward1;>]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "button["..(start_x+.6*4)..",9;.8,.5;forward3;>>]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "button["..(start_x+.6*5)..",9;.8,.5;end_list;>|]" |
| | | |
| | | start_x=9.2 |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.6*0)..",9;.8,.8;ui_skip_backward_icon.png;start_list;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.6*1)..",9;.8,.8;ui_doubleleft_icon.png;rewind3;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.6*2)..",9;.8,.8;ui_left_icon.png;rewind1;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.6*3)..",9;.8,.8;ui_right_icon.png;forward1;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.6*4)..",9;.8,.8;ui_doubleright_icon.png;forward3;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button["..(start_x+.6*5)..",9;.8,.8;ui_skip_forward_icon.png;end_list;]" |
| | | |
| | | -- search box |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "field[9.195,8.325;3,1;searchbox;;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "button[12,8;1.2,1;searchbutton;Search]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "field[9.5,8.325;3,1;searchbox;;]" |
| | | formspec = formspec .. "image_button[12.2,8.1;.8,.8;ui_search_icon.png;searchbutton;]" |
| | | |
| | | -- craft page |
| | | if page=="craft" then |
| | |
| | | end |
| | | end |
| | | |
| | | -- Miscellaneous |
| | | if page=="misc" then |
| | | formspec = formspec.."label[0,0;Miscellaneous]" |
| | | formspec=formspec.."button[0,1;2,0.5;home_gui_set;Set Home]" |
| | | formspec=formspec.."button_exit[2,1;2,0.5;home_gui_go;Go Home]" |
| | | local home = homepos[player_name] |
| | | if home ~= nil then |
| | | formspec = formspec |
| | | formspec=formspec.."label[4,.9;Home set to:]" |
| | | formspec=formspec.."label[5.7,.9;("..math.floor(home.x)..","..math.floor(home.y)..","..math.floor(home.z)..")]" |
| | | end |
| | | if minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then |
| | | formspec=formspec.."button[0,2;2,0.5;misc_set_day;Set Day]" |
| | | formspec=formspec.."button[2,2;2,0.5;misc_set_night;Set Night]" |
| | | end |
| | | formspec = formspec.."label[0,3;Sound volume: "..unified_inventory.players[player_name]["sound_volume"].."]" |
| | | formspec=formspec.."button[2.5,3;.8,0.5;misc_vol_down;-]" |
| | | formspec=formspec.."button[3.2,3;.8,0.5;misc_vol_up;+]" |
| | | end |
| | | |
| | | --Items list |
| | | local list_index=unified_inventory.current_index[player_name] |
| | | local page=math.floor(list_index / (80) + 1) |
| | |
| | | unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, unified_inventory.get_formspec(player,"bags")) |
| | | return |
| | | end |
| | | |
| | | if fields.misc then |
| | | unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, unified_inventory.get_formspec(player,"misc")) |
| | | return |
| | | end |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | -- bags |
| | | for i=1,4 do |
| | |
| | | |
| | | -- Miscellaneous |
| | | if fields.home_gui_set then |
| | | unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, unified_inventory.get_formspec(player,"misc")) |
| | | unified_inventory.set_home(player, player:getpos()) |
| | | local home = homepos[player_name] |
| | | if home ~= nil then |
| | | minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "Home position set to: "..math.floor(home.x)..","..math.floor(home.y)..","..math.floor(home.z)) |
| | | end |
| | | end |
| | | if fields.home_gui_go then |
| | | unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, unified_inventory.get_formspec(player,"craft")) |
| | |
| | | minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "You don't have settime priviledge!") |
| | | end |
| | | end |
| | | if fields.misc_vol_down then |
| | | local sound_volume=unified_inventory.players[player_name]["sound_volume"] |
| | | sound_volume=sound_volume-1 |
| | | if sound_volume<0 then sound_volume=0 end |
| | | minetest.setting_set("sound_volume",sound_volume/10) |
| | | unified_inventory.players[player_name]["sound_volume"]=sound_volume |
| | | unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, unified_inventory.get_formspec(player,"misc")) |
| | | end |
| | | if fields.misc_vol_up then |
| | | local sound_volume=unified_inventory.players[player_name]["sound_volume"] |
| | | sound_volume=sound_volume+1 |
| | | if sound_volume>10 then sound_volume=10 end |
| | | minetest.setting_set("sound_volume",sound_volume/10) |
| | | unified_inventory.players[player_name]["sound_volume"]=sound_volume |
| | | unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, unified_inventory.get_formspec(player,"misc")) |
| | | |
| | | if fields.clear_inv then |
| | | local inventory = {} |
| | | player:get_inventory():set_list("main", inventory) |
| | | minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, 'Inventory Cleared!') |
| | | end |
| | | |
| | | -- Inventory page controls |
| | |
| | | if minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode")==false then |
| | | unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, unified_inventory.get_formspec(player,"craftguide")) |
| | | page="craftguide" |
| | | end |
| | | end |
| | | if page=="craftguide" then |
| | | unified_inventory.current_item[player_name] = unified_inventory.filtered_items_list[player_name][list_index] |
| | | unified_inventory.alternate[player_name] = 1 |
| | |
| | | |
| | | -- set_home |
| | | unified_inventory.set_home = function(player, pos) |
| | | homepos[player:get_player_name()] = pos |
| | | local player_name=player:get_player_name() |
| | | homepos[player_name] = pos |
| | | -- save the home data from the table to the file |
| | | local output = io.open(unified_inventory.home_filename..".home", "w") |
| | | for k, v in pairs(homepos) do |