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technic API

This file documents the functions within the technic modpack for use in mods.

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Undocumented API may change at any time.


Tier are network types. List of pre-registered tiers:

  • "LV", Low Voltage
  • "MV", Medium Voltage
  • "HV", High Voltage

Available functions:

  • technic.register_tier(tier, description)
    • Registers a network type (tier)
    • tier: string, short name (ex. LV)
    • description: string, long name (ex. Low Voltage)
    • See also tiers


  • technic.register_cable(tier, size)
    • Registers an existing node as cable
    • tier: string
    • size: number, visual size of the wire
  • technic.get_cable_tier(nodename)
    • Retrieves the tier assigned to the provided node name
    • nodename: string, name of the node
    • Returns the tier (string) or nil
  • technic.is_tier_cable(nodename, tier)
    • Tells whether the node nodename is the cable of the tier tier.
    • Short version of technic.get_cable_tier(nodename) == tier
  • technic.register_cable_tier(nodename, tier)
    • Register user defined cable to list of known tier cables.
    • nodename: string, name of the node
    • tier: string, tier name


The machine type indicates the direction of power flow.
List of pre-registered machine types:

  • technic.receiver = "RE": consumes energy. e.g. grinder
  • technic.producer = "PR": provides energy. e.g. solar panel
  • technic.producer_receiver = "PR_RE" supply converter
  • technic.battery = "BA": stores energy. e.g. LV battery box

Available functions:

  • technic.register_base_machine(data)
    • Registers a new node and defines the underlying machine behaviour. data fields:
    • tier: string, see #Tiers
    • typename: string, equivalent to the processing type registered
      by technic.register_recipe. Examples: "cooking" "alloy"
    • machine_name: string, node name
    • machine_desc: string, node description
    • demand: table, EU consumption values for each upgrade level.
      Up to three indices. Index 1 == no upgrade. Example: {3000, 2000, 1000}.
    • upgrade: (boolean), whether to add upgrade slots
    • modname: (string), mod origin
    • tube: (boolean), whether the machine has Pipeworks connectivity
    • can_insert: (func), see Pipeworks documentation
      • Accepts all inputs by default, if tube = 1
      • See also: technic.can_insert_unique_stack
    • insert_object: (func), see Pipeworks documentation
      • Accepts all inputs by default, if tube = 1
      • See also: technic.insert_object_unique_stack
    • connect_sides: (table), see Lua API documentation. Defaults to all directions but front.
  • technic.register_machine(tier, nodename, machine_type)
    • Register an existing node as machine, bound to the network tier
    • tier: string, see #Tiers
    • nodename: string, node name
    • machine_type: string, following options are possible:
      • technic.receiver = "RE": Consumes energy
      • technic.producer = "PR": Provides energy
      • technic.battery = "BA": Energy storage
    • See also Machine types

Callbacks for pipeworks item transfer:

  • technic.can_insert_unique_stack(pos, node, stack, direction)
  • technic.insert_object_unique_stack(pos, node, stack, direction)
    • Functions for the parameters can_insert and insert_object to avoid
      filling multiple inventory slots with same type of item.


  • technic.register_recipe_type(typename, recipedef)
    • Registers a new recipe type used for machine processing
    • typename: string, name of the recipe type
    • Fields of recipedef:
      • description: string, descriptor of the recipe type
      • input_size: (numeric), count of input ItemStacks. default 1
      • output_size: (numeric), count of output ItemStacks. default 1
  • technic.register_recipe(recipe)
    • Registers a individual input/output recipe. Fields of recipe:
    • input: table, integer-indexed list of input ItemStacks.
    • output: table/ItemStack, single output or list of output ItemStacks.
    • time: numeric, process time in seconds.
  • technic.get_recipe(typename, items)
    • typename: string, see technic.register_recipe_type
    • items: table, integer-indexed list of input ItemStacks.
    • Returns: recipe table on success, nil otherwise

The following functions can be used to register recipes for
a specific machine type:

  • Centrifuge
    • technic.register_separating_recipe(recipe)
  • Compressor
    • technic.register_compressor_recipe(recipe)
  • Furnaces (electric, normal)
    • minetest.register_recipe(recipe)
  • Extractor
    • technic.register_extractor_recipe(recipe)
  • Freezer
    • technic.register_freezer_recipe(recipe)
  • Grinder
    • technic.register_grinder_recipe(recipe)


  • technic.register_power_tool(itemname, max_charge)
    • Register or configure the maximal charge held by an existing item
    • craftitem: string, item or node name
    • max_charge: number, maximal EU capacity

Helper functions

Unsorted functions:

  • technic.EU_string(num)
    • Converts num to a human-readable string (see pretty_num)
      and adds the EU unit
    • Use this function when showing players energy values
  • technic.pretty_num(num)
    • Converts the number num to a human-readable string with SI prefixes
  • technic.config:get(name)
    • Some configuration function
  • technic.tube_inject_item(pos, start_pos, velocity, item)
    • Same as pipeworks.tube_inject_item

Energy modifiers

  • technic.set_RE_wear(itemstack, item_load, max_charge)
    • Modifies the power tool wear of the given itemstack
    • itemstack: ItemStack to modify
    • item_load: number, used energy in EU
    • max_charge: number, maximal EU capacity of the tool
    • The itemdef field wear_represents must be set to "technic_RE_charge",
      otherwise this function will do nothing.
    • Returns the modified itemstack
  • technic.refill_RE_charge(itemstack)
    • This function fully recharges an RE chargeable item.
    • If technic.power_tools[itemstack:get_name()] is nil (or false), this
      function does nothing, else that value is the maximum charge.
    • The itemstack metadata is changed to contain the charge.


  • technic.get_or_load_node(pos)
    • If the mapblock is loaded, it returns the node at pos,
      else it loads the chunk and returns nil.
  • technic.swap_node(pos, nodename)
    • Same as mintest.swap_node but it only changes the nodename.
    • It uses minetest.get_node before swapping to ensure the new nodename
      is not the same as the current one.
  • technic.trace_node_ray(pos, dir, range)
    • Returns an iteration function (usable in the for loop) to iterate over the
      node positions along the specified ray.
    • The returned positions will not include the starting position pos.
  • technic.trace_node_ray_fat(pos, dir, range)
    • Like technic.trace_node_ray but includes extra positions near the ray.
    • The node ray functions are used for mining lasers.

Item Definition fields


  • technic_<tier> = 1
    • Makes the node connect to the cables of the matching tier name
    • <tier>: name of the tier, in lowercase (ex. lv)
  • technic_machine = 1
    • UNRELIABLE. Indicates whether the item or node belongs to technic
  • connect_sides = {"top", "left", ...}
    • Extends the Minetest API. Indicates where the machine can be connected.

Additional definition fields:

  • <itemdef>.wear_represents = "string"
    • Specifies how the tool wear level is handled. Available modes:
      • "mechanical_wear": represents physical damage
      • "technic_RE_charge": represents electrical charge
  • <itemdef>.technic_run = function(pos, node) ...
    • This callback is used to update the node.
      Modders have to manually change the information about supply etc. in the
      node metadata.
    • Technic-registered machines use this callback by default.
  • <itemdef>.technic_disabled_machine_name = "string"
    • Specifies the machine's node name to use when it's not connected connected to a network
  • <itemdef>.technic_on_disable = function(pos, node) ...
    • This callback is run when the machine is no longer connected to a technic-powered network.
  • <itemdef>.technic_get_charge = function(itemstack) ...
    • Optional callback to overwrite the default charge behaviour.
    • itemstack: ItemStack, the tool to analyse
    • Return values:
      • charge: Electrical charge of the tool
      • max_charge: Upper charge limit
    • Etc. local charge, maxcharge = itemdef.technic_get_charge(itemstack)
  • <itemdef>.technic_set_charge = function(itemstack, charge) ...
    • Optional callback to overwrite the default charge behaviour.
    • itemstack: ItemStack, the tool to update
    • charge: numeric, value between 0 and max_charge

Node Metadata fields

Nodes connected to the network will have one or more of these parameters as meta

  • <tier>_EU_supply - direction: output
    • For nodes registered as PR or BA tier
    • This is the EU value supplied by the node.
  • <tier>_EU_demand - direction: output
    • For nodes registered as RE or BA tier
    • This is the EU value the node requires to run.
  • <tier>_EU_input - direction: input
    • For nodes registered as RE or BA tier
    • This is the actual EU value the network can give the node.

<tier> corresponds to the tier name registered using
technic.register_tier (ex. LV). It is possible for the machine to depend on
multiple tiers (or networks).

Manual: Network basics

The switching station is the center of all power distribution on an electric
network. This node is used to calculate the power supply of the network and
to distribute the power across nodes.

The switching station is the center of all electricity distribution. It collects
power from sources (PR), distributes it to sinks (RE), and uses the
excess/shortfall to charge and discharge batteries (BA).

As a thumb of rule, "EU" (energy unit) values are expressed in kW.

Network functionality:

  1. All PR, BA, RE nodes are indexed and tagged with one switching station.
    The tagging is a workaround to allow more stations to be built without allowing
    a cheat with duplicating power.
  2. All the RE nodes are queried for their current EU demand.
    If the total demand is less than the available power they are all updated
    with the demand number.
  3. BA nodes are evenly charged from energy surplus.
  4. Excess power draw will discharge batteries evenly.
  5. If the total demand is more than the available power all RE nodes will be shut
    down. We have a brown-out situation.

Deprecated functions

Following functions are either no longer used by technic, or are planned to
be removed soon. Please update mods depending on technic accordingly.

  • technic.get_RE_item_load
    • Scales the tool wear to a certain numeric range
  • technic.set_RE_item_load
    • Scales a certain numeric range to the tool wear