= { cooking = { input_size = 1, output_size = 1 } } function technic.register_recipe_type(typename, origdata) local data = {} for k, v in pairs(origdata) do data[k] = v end data.input_size = data.input_size or 1 data.output_size = data.output_size or 1 if unified_inventory and unified_inventory.register_craft_type and data.output_size == 1 then unified_inventory.register_craft_type(typename, { description = data.description, height = data.input_size, width = 1, }) end = {}[typename] = data end local function get_recipe_index(items) local l = {} for i, stack in ipairs(items) do l[i] = ItemStack(stack):get_name() end table.sort(l) return table.concat(l, "/") end local function register_recipe(typename, data) -- Handle aliases for i, stack in ipairs(data.input) do data.input[i] = ItemStack(stack):to_string() end if type(data.output) == "table" then for i, v in ipairs(data.output) do data.output[i] = ItemStack(data.output[i]):to_string() end else data.output = ItemStack(data.output):to_string() end local recipe = {time = data.time, input = {}, output = data.output} local index = get_recipe_index(data.input) for _, stack in ipairs(data.input) do recipe.input[ItemStack(stack):get_name()] = ItemStack(stack):get_count() end[typename].recipes[index] = recipe if unified_inventory and[typename].output_size == 1 then unified_inventory.register_craft({ type = typename, output = data.output, items = data.input, width = 0, }) end end function technic.register_recipe(typename, data) minetest.after(0.01, register_recipe, typename, data) -- Handle aliases end function technic.get_recipe(typename, items) if typename == "cooking" then -- Already builtin in Minetest, so use that local result, new_input = minetest.get_craft_result({ method = "cooking", width = 1, items = items}) -- Compatibility layer if not result or result.time == 0 then return nil else return {time = result.time, new_input = new_input.items, output = result.item} end end local index = get_recipe_index(items) local recipe =[typename].recipes[index] if recipe then local new_input = {} for i, stack in ipairs(items) do if stack:get_count() < recipe.input[stack:get_name()] then print(stack:get_name()) return nil else new_input[i] = ItemStack(stack) new_input[i]:take_item(recipe.input[stack:get_name()]) end end return {time = recipe.time, new_input = new_input, output = recipe.output} else return nil end end