-- SWITCHING STATION -- The switching station is the center of all power distribution on an electric network. -- The station will collect all produced power from producers (PR) and batteries (BA) -- and distribute it to receivers (RE) and depleted batteries (BA). -- -- It works like this: -- All PR,BA,RE nodes are indexed and tagged with the switching station. -- The tagging is to allow more stations to be built without allowing a cheat -- with duplicating power. -- All the RE nodes are queried for their current EU demand. Those which are off -- would require no or a small standby EU demand, while those which are on would -- require more. -- If the total demand is less than the available power they are all updated with the -- demand number. -- If any surplus exists from the PR nodes the batteries will be charged evenly with this. -- If the total demand requires draw on the batteries they will be discharged evenly. -- -- If the total demand is more than the available power all RE nodes will be shut down. -- We have a brown-out situation. -- -- Hence all the power distribution logic resides in this single node. -- -- Nodes connected to the network will have one or more of these parameters as meta data: -- _EU_supply : Exists for PR and BA node types. This is the EU value supplied by the node. Output -- _EU_demand : Exists for RE and BA node types. This is the EU value the node requires to run. Output -- _EU_input : Exists for RE and BA node types. This is the actual EU value the network can give the node. Input -- -- The reason the LV|MV|HV type is prepended toe meta data is because some machine could require several supplies to work. -- This way the supplies are separated per network. technic.DBG = 1 local dprint = technic.dprint minetest.register_craft( { output = 'technic:switching_station 1', recipe = { {'technic:lv_transformer', 'technic:mv_transformer', 'technic:hv_transformer'}, {'technic:lv_transformer', 'technic:mv_transformer', 'technic:hv_transformer'}, {'technic:lv_cable', 'technic:mv_cable', 'technic:hv_cable'}, } }) minetest.register_node( "technic:switching_station", {description = "Switching Station", tiles = {"technic_water_mill_top_active.png", "technic_water_mill_top_active.png", "technic_water_mill_top_active.png", "technic_water_mill_top_active.png", "technic_water_mill_top_active.png", "technic_water_mill_top_active.png"}, groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), drawtype = "nodebox", paramtype = "light", is_ground_content = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("infotext", "Switching Station") -- minetest.chat_send_player(puncher:get_player_name(), "Switching station constructed. Punch the station to shut down the network."); -- meta:set_int("active", 1) end, -- on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher) -- local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) -- local active = meta:get_int("active") -- if active == 1 then -- meta:set_int("active", 0) -- minetest.chat_send_player(puncher:get_player_name(), "Electrical network shut down. Punch again to turn it on."); -- else -- meta:set_int("active", 1) -- minetest.chat_send_player(puncher:get_player_name(), "Electrical network turned on. Punch again to shut it down."); -- end -- end }) -------------------------------------------------- -- Functions to help the machines on the electrical network -------------------------------------------------- -- This one provides a timeout for a node in case it was disconnected from the network -- A node must be touched by the station continuously in order to function technic.switching_station_timeout_count = function(pos, machine_tier) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) timeout = meta:get_int(machine_tier.."_EU_timeout") --print("Counting timeout "..timeout) if timeout == 0 then --print("OFF") meta:set_int(machine_tier.."_EU_input", 0) else --print("ON") meta:set_int(machine_tier.."_EU_timeout", timeout-1) end end -------------------------------------------------- -- Functions to traverse the electrical network -------------------------------------------------- -- Add a wire node to the LV/MV/HV network local add_new_cable_node = function(nodes,pos) local i = 1 repeat if nodes[i]==nil then break end if pos.x==nodes[i].x and pos.y==nodes[i].y and pos.z==nodes[i].z then return false end i=i+1 until false nodes[i] = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z, visited=1} -- copy position return true end -- Generic function to add found connected nodes to the right classification array local check_node_subp = function(PR_nodes,RE_nodes,BA_nodes,all_nodes,pos,machines,cablename) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) local name = minetest.env:get_node(pos).name if meta:get_float(cablename)==1 then add_new_cable_node(all_nodes,pos) elseif machines[name] then --dprint(name.." is a "..machines[name]) if machines[name] == "PR" then add_new_cable_node(PR_nodes,pos) elseif machines[name] == "RE" then add_new_cable_node(RE_nodes,pos) elseif machines[name] == "BA" then add_new_cable_node(BA_nodes,pos) end if cablename == "cablelike" then meta:set_int("LV_EU_timeout", 2) -- Touch node elseif cablename == "mv_cablelike" then meta:set_int("MV_EU_timeout", 2) -- Touch node elseif cablename == "hv_cablelike" then meta:set_int("HV_EU_timeout", 2) -- Touch node end end end -- Traverse a network given a list of machines and a cable type name local traverse_network = function(PR_nodes,RE_nodes,BA_nodes,all_nodes, i, machines, cablename) local pos = {x=all_nodes[i].x, y=all_nodes[i].y, z=all_nodes[i].z} -- copy position pos.x=pos.x+1 check_node_subp(PR_nodes,RE_nodes,BA_nodes,all_nodes,pos, machines, cablename) pos.x=pos.x-2 check_node_subp(PR_nodes,RE_nodes,BA_nodes,all_nodes,pos, machines, cablename) pos.x=pos.x+1 pos.y=pos.y+1 check_node_subp(PR_nodes,RE_nodes,BA_nodes,all_nodes,pos, machines, cablename) pos.y=pos.y-2 check_node_subp(PR_nodes,RE_nodes,BA_nodes,all_nodes,pos, machines, cablename) pos.y=pos.y+1 pos.z=pos.z+1 check_node_subp(PR_nodes,RE_nodes,BA_nodes,all_nodes,pos, machines, cablename) pos.z=pos.z-2 check_node_subp(PR_nodes,RE_nodes,BA_nodes,all_nodes,pos, machines, cablename) pos.z=pos.z+1 end ---------------------------------------------- -- The action code for the switching station ---------------------------------------------- minetest.register_abm( {nodenames = {"technic:switching_station"}, interval = 1, chance = 1, action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) local meta1 = nil local pos1 = {} local PR_EU = 0 -- EUs from PR nodes local BA_PR_EU = 0 -- EUs from BA nodes (discharching) local BA_RE_EU = 0 -- EUs to BA nodes (charging) local RE_EU = 0 -- EUs to RE nodes local network = "" local all_nodes = {} local PR_nodes = {} local BA_nodes = {} local RE_nodes = {} -- -- Possible to turn off the entire network -- if meta:get_int("active") == 0 then -- for _,pos1 in pairs(RE_nodes) do -- meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) -- meta1:set_int("EU_input", 0) -- end -- for _,pos1 in pairs(BA_nodes) do -- meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) -- meta1:set_int("EU_input", 0) -- end -- return -- end -- Which kind of network are we on: pos1 = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z} all_nodes[1] = pos1 meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) if meta1:get_float("cablelike") ==1 then -- LV type --dprint("LV type") network = "LV" local table_index = 1 repeat traverse_network(PR_nodes,RE_nodes,BA_nodes,all_nodes,table_index, technic.LV_machines, "cablelike") table_index = table_index + 1 if all_nodes[table_index] == nil then break end until false elseif meta1:get_float("mv_cablelike") ==1 then -- MV type --dprint("MV type") network = "MV" local table_index = 1 repeat traverse_network(PR_nodes,RE_nodes,BA_nodes,all_nodes,table_index, technic.MV_machines, "mv_cablelike") table_index = table_index + 1 if all_nodes[table_index] == nil then break end until false elseif meta1:get_float("hv_cablelike") ==1 then -- HV type --dprint("HV type") network = "HV" local table_index = 1 repeat traverse_network(PR_nodes,RE_nodes,BA_nodes,all_nodes,table_index, technic.HV_machines, "hv_cablelike") table_index = table_index + 1 if all_nodes[table_index] == nil then break end until false else -- No type :-) --dprint("Not connected to a network") meta:set_string("infotext", "Switching Station - no network") return end --dprint("nodes="..table.getn(all_nodes).." PR="..table.getn(PR_nodes).." BA="..table.getn(BA_nodes).." RE="..table.getn(RE_nodes)) -- Strings for the meta data local eu_demand_str = network.."_EU_demand" local eu_input_str = network.."_EU_input" local eu_supply_str = network.."_EU_supply" local eu_from_fuel_str = network.."_EU_from_fuel" -- Get all the power from the PR nodes local PR_eu_supply = 0 -- Total power for _,pos1 in pairs(PR_nodes) do meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) PR_eu_supply = PR_eu_supply + meta1:get_int(eu_supply_str) end --dprint("Total PR supply:"..PR_eu_supply) -- Get all the demand from the RE nodes local RE_eu_demand = 0 for _,pos1 in pairs(RE_nodes) do meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) RE_eu_demand = RE_eu_demand + meta1:get_int(eu_demand_str) end --dprint("Total RE demand:"..RE_eu_demand) -- Get all the power from the BA nodes local BA_eu_supply = 0 for _,pos1 in pairs(BA_nodes) do meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) BA_eu_supply = BA_eu_supply + meta1:get_int(eu_supply_str) end --dprint("Total BA supply:"..BA_eu_supply) -- Get all the demand from the BA nodes local BA_eu_demand = 0 for _,pos1 in pairs(BA_nodes) do meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) BA_eu_demand = BA_eu_demand + meta1:get_int(eu_demand_str) end --dprint("Total BA demand:"..BA_eu_demand) meta:set_string("infotext", "Switching Station. PR("..(PR_eu_supply+BA_eu_supply)..") RE("..(RE_eu_demand+BA_eu_demand)..")") -- If the PR supply is enough for the RE demand supply them all if PR_eu_supply >= RE_eu_demand then --dprint("PR_eu_supply"..PR_eu_supply.." >= RE_eu_demand"..RE_eu_demand) for _,pos1 in pairs(RE_nodes) do meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) local eu_demand = meta1:get_int(eu_demand_str) meta1:set_int(eu_input_str, eu_demand) end -- We have a surplus, so distribute the rest equally to the BA nodes -- Let's calculate the factor of the demand PR_eu_supply = PR_eu_supply - RE_eu_demand local charge_factor = 0 -- Assume all batteries fully charged if BA_eu_demand > 0 then charge_factor = PR_eu_supply / BA_eu_demand end for n,pos1 in pairs(BA_nodes) do meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) local eu_demand = meta1:get_int(eu_demand_str) meta1:set_int(eu_input_str, math.floor(eu_demand*charge_factor)) --dprint("Charging battery:"..math.floor(eu_demand*charge_factor)) end -- If still a surplus we can start giving back to the fuel burning generators -- Only full EU packages are given back. The rest is wasted. if BA_eu_demand == 0 then for _,pos1 in pairs(PR_nodes) do meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) if meta1:get_int(eu_from_fuel_str) == 1 then local eu_supply = meta1:get_int(eu_supply_str) if PR_eu_supply < eu_supply then break else -- Set the supply to 0 if we did not require it. meta1:set_int(eu_supply_str, 0) PR_eu_supply = PR_eu_supply - eu_supply end end end end return end -- If the PR supply is not enough for the RE demand we will discharge the batteries too if PR_eu_supply+BA_eu_supply >= RE_eu_demand then --dprint("PR_eu_supply "..PR_eu_supply.."+BA_eu_supply "..BA_eu_supply.." >= RE_eu_demand"..RE_eu_demand) for _,pos1 in pairs(RE_nodes) do meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) local eu_demand = meta1:get_int(eu_demand_str) meta1:set_int(eu_input_str, eu_demand) end -- We have a deficit, so distribute to the BA nodes -- Let's calculate the factor of the supply local charge_factor = 0 -- Assume all batteries depleted if BA_eu_supply > 0 then charge_factor = (PR_eu_supply - RE_eu_demand) / BA_eu_supply end for n,pos1 in pairs(BA_nodes) do meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) local eu_supply = meta1:get_int(eu_supply_str) meta1:set_int(eu_input_str, math.floor(eu_supply*charge_factor)) --dprint("Discharging battery:"..math.floor(eu_supply*charge_factor)) end return end -- If the PR+BA supply is not enough for the RE demand: Shut everything down! -- Note: another behaviour could also be imagined: provide the average power for all and let the node decide what happens. -- This is much simpler though: Not enough power for all==no power for all --print("NO POWER") for _,pos1 in pairs(RE_nodes) do meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1) meta1:set_int(eu_input_str, 0) end end, })