-- This file includes the functions and data structures for registering machines and tools for LV, MV, HV types. -- We use the technic namespace for these functions and data to avoid eventual conflict. -- register power tools here technic.power_tools = {} technic.register_power_tool = function(craftitem,max_charge) technic.power_tools[craftitem] = max_charge end -- register LV machines here technic.LV_machines = {} technic.register_LV_machine = function(nodename,type) technic.LV_machines[nodename] = type end technic.unregister_LV_machine = function(nodename,type) technic.LV_machines[nodename] = nil end -- register MV machines here technic.MV_machines = {} technic.MV_power_tools = {} technic.register_MV_machine = function(nodename,type) technic.MV_machines[nodename] = type end technic.unregister_MV_machine = function(nodename) technic.MV_machines[nodename] = nil end -- register HV machines here technic.HV_machines = {} technic.HV_power_tools = {} technic.register_HV_machine = function(nodename,type) technic.HV_machines[nodename] = type end technic.unregister_HV_machine = function(nodename) technic.HV_machines[nodename] = nil end -- Utility functions. Not sure exactly what they do.. water.lua uses the two first. function technic.get_RE_item_load (load1,max_load) if load1==0 then load1=65535 end local temp = 65536-load1 temp= temp/65535*max_load return math.floor(temp + 0.5) end function technic.set_RE_item_load (load1,max_load) if load1 == 0 then return 65535 end local temp=load1/max_load*65535 temp=65536-temp return math.floor(temp) end -- Wear down a tool depending on the remaining charge. function technic.set_RE_wear (item_stack,load,max_load) local temp=65536-math.floor(load/max_load*65535) item_stack["wear"]=tostring(temp) return item_stack end