From fb93388f06fe87ee75aaaf04cf6edcf01a26d981 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SmallJoker <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 14:36:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Replace deprecated invsize[] with size[]

--- |  387 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 367 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 4cd4f70..4ad01fc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -179,10 +179,7 @@
 blocks, so several latex lumps can be extracted from a tree in one visit.
 Raw latex isn't used directly.  It must be vulcanized to produce finished
-rubber.  This can be performed by simply cooking the latex, with each
-latex lump producing one lump of rubber.  If you have an extractor,
-however, the latex is better processed there: each latex lump will
-produce three lumps of rubber.
+rubber.  This can be performed by alloying the latex with coal dust.
 ### metal ###
@@ -672,6 +669,142 @@
 in both locked and unlocked flavors.  All of the chests work with the
 pneumatic tubes of the pipeworks mod.
+The technic mod adds radioactivity to the game, as a hazard that can
+harm player characters.  Certain substances in the game are radioactive,
+and when placed as blocks in the game world will damage nearby players.
+Conversely, some substances attenuate radiation, and so can be used
+for shielding.  The radioactivity system is based on reality, but is
+not an attempt at serious simulation: like the rest of the game, it has
+many simplifications and deliberate deviations from reality in the name
+of game balance.
+In real life radiological hazards can be roughly divided into three
+categories based on the time scale over which they act: prompt radiation
+damage (such as radiation burns) that takes effect immediately; radiation
+poisoning that becomes visible in hours and lasts weeks; and cumulative
+effects such as increased cancer risk that operate over decades.
+The game's version of radioactivity causes only prompt damage, not
+any delayed effects.  Damage comes in the abstracted form of removing
+the player's hit points, and is immediately visible to the player.
+As with all other kinds of damage in the game, the player can restore
+the hit points by eating food items.  High-nutrition foods, such as the
+pie baskets supplied by the bushes\_classic mod, are a useful tool in
+dealing with radiological hazards.
+Only a small range of items in the game are radioactive.  From the technic
+mod, the only radioactive items are uranium ore, refined uranium blocks,
+nuclear reactor cores (when operating), and the materials released when
+a nuclear reactor melts down.  Other mods can plug into the technic
+system to make their own block types radioactive.  Radioactive items
+are harmless when held in inventories.  They only cause radiation damage
+when placed as blocks in the game world.
+The rate at which damage is caused by a radioactive block depends on the
+distance between the source and the player.  Distance matters because the
+damaging radiation is emitted equally in all directions by the source,
+so with distance it spreads out, so less of it will strike a target
+of any specific size.  The amount of radiation absorbed by a target
+thus varies in proportion to the inverse square of the distance from
+the source.  The game imitates this aspect of real-life radioactivity,
+but with some simplifications.  While in real life the inverse square law
+is only really valid for sources and targets that are small relative to
+the distance between them, in the game it is applied even when the source
+and target are large and close together.  Specifically, the distance is
+measured from the center of the radioactive block to the abdomen of the
+player character.  For extremely close encounters, such as where the
+player swims in a radioactive liquid, there is an enforced lower limit
+on the effective distance.
+Different types of radioactive block emit different amounts of radiation.
+The least radioactive of the radioactive block types is uranium ore,
+which causes 0.25 HP/s damage to a player 1 m away.  A block of refined
+but unenriched uranium, as an example, is nine times as radioactive,
+and so will cause 2.25 HP/s damage to a player 1 m away.  By the inverse
+square law, the damage caused by that uranium block reduces by a factor
+of four at twice the distance, that is to 0.5625 HP/s at a distance of 2
+m, or by a factor of nine at three times the distance, that is to 0.25
+HP/s at a distance of 3 m.  Other radioactive block types are far more
+radioactive than these: the most radioactive of all, the result of a
+nuclear reactor melting down, is 1024 times as radioactive as uranium ore.
+Uranium blocks are radioactive to varying degrees depending on their
+isotopic composition.  An isotope being fissile, and thus good as
+reactor fuel, is essentially uncorrelated with it being radioactive.
+The fissile U-235 is about six times as radioactive than the non-fissile
+U-238 that makes up the bulk of natural uranium, so one might expect that
+enriching from 0.7% fissile to 3.5% fissile (or depleting to 0.0%) would
+only change the radioactivity of uranium by a few percent.  But actually
+the radioactivity of enriched uranium is dominated by the non-fissile
+U-234, which makes up only about 50 parts per million of natural uranium
+but is about 19000 times more radioactive than U-238.  The radioactivity
+of natural uranium comes just about half from U-238 and half from U-234,
+and the uranium gets enriched in U-234 along with the U-235.  This makes
+3.5%-fissile uranium about three times as radioactive as natural uranium,
+and 0.0%-fissile uranium about half as radioactive as natural uranium.
+Radiation is attenuated by the shielding effect of material along the
+path between the radioactive block and the player.  In general, only
+blocks of homogeneous material contribute to the shielding effect: for
+example, a block of solid metal has a shielding effect, but a machine
+does not, even though the machine's ingredients include a metal case.
+The shielding effect of each block type is based on the real-life
+resistance of the material to ionising radiation, but for game balance
+the effectiveness of shielding is scaled down from real life, more so
+for stronger shield materials than for weaker ones.  Also, whereas in
+real life materials have different shielding effects against different
+types of radiation, the game only has one type of damaging radiation,
+and so only one set of shielding values.
+Almost any solid or liquid homogeneous material has some shielding value.
+At the low end of the scale, 5 meters of wooden planks nearly halves
+radiation, though in that case the planks probably contribute more
+to safety by forcing the player to stay 5 m further away from the
+source than by actual attenuation.  Dirt halves radiation in 2.4 m,
+and stone in 1.7 m.  When a shield must be deliberately constructed,
+the preferred materials are metals, the denser the better.  Iron and
+steel halve radiation in 1.1 m, copper in 1.0 m, and silver in 0.95 m.
+Lead would halve in 0.69 m (its in-game shielding value is 80).  Gold halves radiation
+in 0.53 m (factor of 3.7 per meter), but is a bit scarce to use for
+this purpose.  Uranium halves radiation in 0.31 m (factor of 9.4 per
+meter), but is itself radioactive.  The very best shielding in the game
+is nyancat material (nyancats and their rainbow blocks), which halves
+radiation in 0.22 m (factor of 24 per meter), but is extremely scarce. See [technic/technic/radiation.lua]( for the in-game shielding values, which are different from real-life values.
+If the theoretical radiation damage from a particular source is
+sufficiently small, due to distance and shielding, then no damage at all
+will actually occur.  This means that for any particular radiation source
+and shielding arrangement there is a safe distance to which a player can
+approach without harm.  The safe distance is where the radiation damage
+would theoretically be 0.25 HP/s.  This damage threshold is applied
+separately for each radiation source, so to be safe in a multi-source
+situation it is only necessary to be safe from each source individually.
+The best way to use uranium as shielding is in a two-layer structure,
+of uranium and some non-radioactive material.  The uranium layer should
+be nearer to the primary radiation source and the non-radioactive layer
+nearer to the player.  The uranium provides a great deal of shielding
+against the primary source, and the other material shields against
+the uranium layer.  Due to the damage threshold mechanism, a meter of
+dirt is sufficient to shield fully against a layer of fully-depleted
+(0.0%-fissile) uranium.  Obviously this is only worthwhile when the
+primary radiation source is more radioactive than a uranium block.
+When constructing permanent radiation shielding, it is necessary to
+pay attention to the geometry of the structure, and particularly to any
+holes that have to be made in the shielding, for example to accommodate
+power cables.  Any hole that is aligned with the radiation source makes a
+"shine path" through which a player may be irradiated when also aligned.
+Shine paths can be avoided by using bent paths for cables, passing
+through unaligned holes in multiple shield layers.  If the desired
+shielding effect depends on multiple layers, a hole in one layer still
+produces a partial shine path, along which the shielding is reduced,
+so the positioning of holes in each layer must still be considered.
+Tricky shine paths can also be addressed by just keeping players out of
+the dangerous area.
 electrical power
@@ -828,7 +961,8 @@
 energy to let an electrical network cope with mismatched supply and
 demand.  They have a secondary purpose of charging and discharging
 powered tools.  They are thus a mixture of electrical infrastructure,
-powered machine, and generator.
+powered machine, and generator.  Battery boxes connect to cables only
+from the bottom.
 MV and HV battery boxes have upgrade slots.  Energy upgrades increase
 the capacity of a battery box, each by 10% of the un-upgraded capacity.
@@ -843,10 +977,10 @@
 infrastructure of that tier, just to get access to faster charging.
 MV and HV battery boxes work with pneumatic tubes.  An item can be input
-to the charging slot through the bottom of the battery box, or to the
-discharging slot through the top.  Items are not accepted through the
-front, back, or sides.  With a tube upgrade, fully charged/discharged
-tools (as appropriate for their slot) will be ejected through a side.
+to the charging slot through the sides or back of the battery box, or
+to the discharging slot through the top.  With a tube upgrade, fully
+charged/discharged tools (as appropriate for their slot) will be ejected
+through a side.
 ### processing machines ###
@@ -1056,6 +1190,227 @@
 that can be walked through.  For example, a door suffices, and can be
 opened and closed while the forcefield is in place.
+power generators
+### fuel-fired generators ###
+The fiel-fired generators are electrical power generators that generate
+power by the combustion of fuel.  Versions of them are available for
+all three voltages (LV, MV, and HV).  These are all capable of burning
+any type of combustible fuel, such as coal.  They are relatively easy
+to build, and so tend to be the first kind of generator used to power
+electrical machines.  In this role they form an intermediate step between
+the directly fuel-fired machines and a more mature electrical network
+powered by means other than fuel combustion.  They are also, by virtue of
+simplicity and controllability, a useful fallback or peak load generator
+for electrical networks that normally use more sophisticated generators.
+The MV and HV fuel-fired generators can accept fuel via pneumatic tube,
+from any direction.
+Keeping a fuel-fired generator fully fuelled is usually wasteful, because
+it will burn fuel as long as it has any, even if there is no demand for
+the electrical power that it generates.  This is unlike the directly
+fuel-fired machines, which only burn fuel when they have work to do.
+To satisfy intermittent demand without waste, a fuel-fired generator must
+only be given fuel when there is either demand for the energy or at least
+sufficient battery capacity on the network to soak up the excess energy.
+The higher-tier fuel-fired generators get much more energy out of a
+fuel item than the lower-tier ones.  The difference is much more than
+is needed to overcome the inefficiency of supply converters, so it is
+worth operating fuel-fired generators at a higher tier than the machines
+being powered.
+### solar generators ###
+The solar generators are electrical power generators that generate power
+from sunlight.  Versions of them are available for all three voltages
+(LV, MV, and HV).  There are four types in total, two LV and one each
+of MV and HV, forming a sequence of four tiers.  The higher-tier ones
+are each built mainly from three solar generators of the next tier down,
+and their outputs scale in rough accordance, tripling at each tier.
+To operate, an arrayed solar generator must be at elevation +1 or above
+and have a transparent block (typically air) immediately above it.
+It will generate power only when the block above is well lit during
+daylight hours.  It will generate more power at higher elevation,
+reaching maximum output at elevation +36 or higher when sunlit.  The small
+solar generator has similar rules with slightly different thresholds.
+These rules are an attempt to ensure that the generator will only operate
+from sunlight, but it is actually possible to fool them to some extent
+with light sources such as meselamps.
+### hydro generator ###
+The hydro generator is an LV power generator that generates a respectable
+amount of power from the natural motion of water.  To operate, the
+generator must be horizontally adjacent to flowing water.  The power
+produced is dependent on how much flow there is across any or all four
+sides, the most flow of course coming from water that's flowing straight
+### geothermal generator ###
+The geothermal generator is an LV power generator that generates a small
+amount of power from the temperature difference between lava and water.
+To operate, the generator must be horizontally adjacent to both lava
+and water.  It doesn't matter whether the liquids consist of source
+blocks or flowing blocks.
+Beware that if lava and water blocks are adjacent to each other then the
+lava will be solidified into stone or obsidian.  If the lava adjacent to
+the generator is thus destroyed, the generator will stop producing power.
+Currently, in the default Minetest game, lava is destroyed even if
+it is only diagonally adjacent to water.  Under these circumstances,
+the only way to operate the geothermal generator is with it adjacent
+to one lava block and one water block, which are on opposite sides of
+the generator.  If diagonal adjacency doesn't destroy lava, such as with
+the gloopblocks mod, then it is possible to have more than one lava or
+water block adjacent to the geothermal generator.  This increases the
+generator's output, with the maximum output achieved with two adjacent
+blocks of each liquid.
+### wind generator ###
+The wind generator is an MV power generator that generates a moderate
+amount of energy from wind.  To operate, the generator must be placed
+atop a column of at least 20 wind mill frame blocks, and must be at
+an elevation of +30 or higher.  It generates more at higher elevation,
+reaching maximum output at elevation +50 or higher.  Its surroundings
+don't otherwise matter; it doesn't actually need to be in open air.
+### nuclear generator ###
+The nuclear generator (nuclear reactor) is an HV power generator that
+generates a large amount of energy from the controlled fission of
+uranium-235.  It must be fuelled, with uranium fuel rods, but consumes
+the fuel quite slowly in relation to the rate at which it is likely to
+be mined.  The operation of a nuclear reactor poses radiological hazards
+to which some thought must be given.  Economically, the use of nuclear
+power requires a high capital investment, and a secure infrastructure,
+but rewards the investment well.
+Nuclear fuel is made from uranium.  Natural uranium doesn't have a
+sufficiently high proportion of U-235, so it must first be enriched
+via centrifuge.  Producing one unit of 3.5%-fissile uranium requires
+the input of five units of 0.7%-fissile (natural) uranium, and produces
+four units of 0.0%-fissile (fully depleted) uranium as a byproduct.
+It takes five ingots of 3.5%-fissile uranium to make each fuel rod, and
+six rods to fuel a reactor.  It thus takes the input of the equivalent
+of 150 ingots of natural uranium, which can be obtained from the mining
+of 75 blocks of uranium ore, to make a full set of reactor fuel.
+The nuclear reactor is a large multi-block structure.  Only one block in
+the structure, the reactor core, is of a type that is truly specific to
+the reactor; the rest of the structure consists of blocks that have mainly
+non-nuclear uses.  The reactor core is where all the generator-specific
+action happens: it is where the fuel rods are inserted, and where the
+power cable must connect to draw off the generated power.
+The reactor structure consists of concentric layers, each a cubical
+shell, around the core.  Immediately around the core is a layer of water,
+representing the reactor coolant; water blocks may be either source blocks
+or flowing blocks.  Around that is a layer of stainless steel blocks,
+representing the reactor pressure vessel, and around that a layer of
+blast-resistant concrete blocks, representing a containment structure.
+It is customary, though no longer mandatory, to surround this with a
+layer of ordinary concrete blocks.  The mandatory reactor structure
+makes a 7&times;7&times;7 cube, and the full customary structure a
+9&times;9&times;9 cube.
+The layers surrounding the core don't have to be absolutely complete.
+Indeed, if they were complete, it would be impossible to cable the core to
+a power network.  The cable makes it necessary to have at least one block
+missing from each surrounding layer.  The water layer is only permitted
+to have one water block missing of the 26 possible.  The steel layer may
+have up to two blocks missing of the 98 possible, and the blast-resistant
+concrete layer may have up to two blocks missing of the 218 possible.
+Thus it is possible to have not only a cable duct, but also a separate
+inspection hole through the solid layers.  The separate inspection hole
+is of limited use: the cable duct can serve double duty.
+Once running, the reactor core is significantly radioactive.  The layers
+of reactor structure provide quite a lot of shielding, but not enough
+to make the reactor safe to be around, in two respects.  Firstly, the
+shortest possible path from the core to a player outside the reactor
+is sufficiently short, and has sufficiently little shielding material,
+that it will damage the player.  This only affects a player who is
+extremely close to the reactor, and close to a face rather than a vertex.
+The customary additional layer of ordinary concrete around the reactor
+adds sufficient distance and shielding to negate this risk, but it can
+also be addressed by just keeping extra distance (a little over two
+meters of air).
+The second radiological hazard of a running reactor arises from shine
+paths; that is, specific paths from the core that lack sufficient
+shielding.  The necessary cable duct, if straight, forms a perfect
+shine path, because the cable itself has no radiation shielding effect.
+Any secondary inspection hole also makes a shine path, along which the
+only shielding material is the water of the reactor coolant.  The shine
+path aspect of the cable duct can be ameliorated by adding a kink in the
+cable, but this still yields paths with reduced shielding.  Ultimately,
+shine paths must be managed either with specific shielding outside the
+mandatory structure, or with additional no-go areas.
+The radioactivity of an operating reactor core makes starting up a reactor
+hazardous, and can come as a surprise because the non-operating core
+isn't radioactive at all.  The radioactive damage is survivable, but it is
+normally preferable to avoid it by some care around the startup sequence.
+To start up, the reactor must have a full set of fuel inserted, have all
+the mandatory structure around it, and be cabled to a switching station.
+Only the fuel insertion requires direct access to the core, so irradiation
+of the player can be avoided by making one of the other two criteria be
+the last one satisfied.  Completing the cabling to a switching station
+is the easiest to do from a safe distance.
+Once running, the reactor will generate 100 kEU/s for a week (168 hours,
+604800 seconds), a total of 6.048 GEU from one set of fuel.  After the
+week is up, it will stop generating and no longer be radioactive.  It can
+then be refuelled to run for another week.  It is not really intended
+to be possible to pause a running reactor, but actually disconnecting
+it from a switching station will have the effect of pausing the week.
+This will probably change in the future.  A paused reactor is still
+radioactive, just not generating electrical power.
+A running reactor can't be safely dismantled, and not only because
+dismantling the reactor implies removing the shielding that makes
+it safe to be close to the core.  The mandatory parts of the reactor
+structure are not just mandatory in order to start the reactor; they're
+mandatory in order to keep it intact.  If the structure around the core
+gets damaged, and remains damaged, the core will eventually melt down.
+How long there is before meltdown depends on the extent of the damage;
+if only one mandatory block is missing, meltdown will follow in 100
+seconds.  While the structure of a running reactor is in a damaged state,
+heading towards meltdown, a siren built into the reactor core will sound.
+If the structure is rectified, the siren will signal all-clear.  If the
+siren stops sounding without signalling all-clear, then it was stopped
+by meltdown.
+If meltdown is imminent because of damaged reactor structure, digging the
+reactor core is not a way to avert it.  Digging the core of a running
+reactor causes instant meltdown.  The only way to dismantle a reactor
+without causing meltdown is to start by waiting for it to finish the
+week-long burning of its current set of fuel.  Once a reactor is no longer
+operating, it can be dismantled by ordinary means, with no special risks.
+Meltdown, if it occurs, destroys the reactor and poses a major
+environmental hazard.  The reactor core melts, becoming a hot, highly
+radioactive liquid known as "corium".  A single meltdown yields a single
+corium source block, where the core used to be.  Corium flows, and the
+flowing corium is very destructive to whatever it comes into contact with.
+Flowing corium also randomly solidifies into a radioactive solid called
+"Chernobylite".  The random solidification and random destruction of
+solid blocks means that the flow of corium is constantly changing.
+This combined with the severe radioactivity makes corium much more
+challenging to deal with than lava.  If a meltdown is left to its own
+devices, it gets worse over time, as the corium works its way through
+the reactor structure and starts to flow over a variety of paths.
+It is best to tackle a meltdown quickly; the priority is to extinguish
+the corium source block, normally by dropping gravel into it.  Only the
+most motivated should attempt to pick up the corium in a bucket.
 administrative world anchor
@@ -1117,24 +1472,16 @@
 This manual needs to be extended with sections on:
-*   power generators
-    *   hydro
-    *   geothermal
-    *   fuel-fired
-    *   wind
-    *   solar
-    *   nuclear
-*   tools
+*   powered tools
     *   tool charging
     *   battery and energy crystals
     *   chainsaw
     *   flashlight
     *   mining lasers
-    *   liquid cans
     *   mining drills
     *   prospector
     *   sonic screwdriver
-    *   wrench
-*   radioactivity
+*   liquid cans
+*   wrench
 *   frames
 *   templates

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