From cda054a9368643e97c514eea43ff43a3e34dc2ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ShadowNinja <>
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 06:23:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove item_drop

 /dev/null |    0 
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/item_drop/README.txt b/item_drop/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fe43054..0000000
--- a/item_drop/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-by PilzAdam
-This mod adds Minecraft like drop/pick up of items to Minetest.
-How to install:
-Unzip the archive an place it in minetest-base-directory/mods/minetest/
-if you have a windows client or a linux run-in-place client. If you have
-a linux system-wide instalation place it in ~/.minetest/mods/minetest/.
-If you want to install this mod only in one world create the folder
-worldmods/ in your worlddirectory.
-For further information or help see:
-How to use the mod:
-Just install it an everything works.
-For developers:
-You dont have to use get_drops() anymore because of changes in the
-builtin files of minetest.
-Sourcecode: WTFPL (see below)
-Sound: WTFPL (see below)
-See also:
-                    Version 2, December 2004
- Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
- copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
- as the name is changed.
diff --git a/item_drop/depends.txt b/item_drop/depends.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b88d3ff..0000000
--- a/item_drop/depends.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/item_drop/init.lua b/item_drop/init.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index aa7ab11..0000000
--- a/item_drop/init.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-time_pick = 3
-if technic.config:get_bool("enable_item_pickup") then
-	minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
-		for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
-			if player and player:get_hp() > 0 then
-				local pos = player:getpos()
-				pos.y = pos.y + 0.5
-				local inv = player:get_inventory()
-				for _, object in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 2)) do
-					if not object:is_player() and object:get_luaentity() then
-						local obj = object:get_luaentity()
-						if == "__builtin:item" then
-							if inv and inv:room_for_item("main", ItemStack(obj.itemstring)) then
-								if obj.timer > time_pick then
-									inv:add_item("main", ItemStack(obj.itemstring))
-									if obj.itemstring ~= "" then
-										minetest.sound_play("item_drop_pickup",
-											{pos = pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 10}) 
-									end
-									if object:get_luaentity() then
-										object:get_luaentity().itemstring = ""
-										object:remove()
-									end
-								end
-							end
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end)
-if technic.config:get_bool("enable_item_drop") then
-	function minetest.handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger)
-		for _,item in ipairs(drops) do
-			local count, name
-			if type(item) == "string" then
-				count = 1
-				name = item
-			else
-				count = item:get_count()
-				name = item:get_name()
-			end
-			for i=1,count do
-				local obj = minetest.env:add_item(pos, name)
-				if obj ~= nil then
-					obj:get_luaentity().collect = true
-					local x = math.random(1, 5)
-					if math.random(1,2) == 1 then
-						x = -x
-					end
-					local z = math.random(1, 5)
-					if math.random(1,2) == 1 then
-						z = -z
-					end
-					obj:setvelocity({x=1/x, y=obj:getvelocity().y, z=1/z})
-					obj:get_luaentity().timer = time_pick
-					-- FIXME this doesnt work for deactiveted objects
-					if minetest.setting_get("remove_items") and tonumber(minetest.setting_get("remove_items")) then
-						minetest.after(tonumber(minetest.setting_get("remove_items")), function(obj)
-							obj:remove()
-						end, obj)
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(name, pos)
-	local inv = name:get_inventory()
-	local pos = name:getpos()
-	for i = 1, inv:get_size("main"), 1 do
-		srcstack = inv:get_stack("main", i)
-		if srcstack:to_string() ~= "" then
-			pos.y = pos.y + 3
-			local obj = minetest.env:add_item(pos, srcstack:to_string())
-			local x = math.random(-5, 5)
-			if x >= -2 and x <=0 then
-				local x = x - 3
-			end
-			if x > 0 and x <= 2 then
-				local x = x + 3
-			end
-			local y = math.random(3, 5)
-			local z = math.random(-5, 5)
-			if z >= -2 and z <= 0 then
-				local z = z - 3
-			end
-			if z > 0 and z <= 2 then
-				local z = z + 3
-			end
-			inv:set_stack("main", i, "")
-			obj:setvelocity({x=x, y=y, z=z})
-		end
-		if i == 32 then
-			break
-		end
-	end
-print("DROPS LOADED!")
diff --git a/item_drop/item_entity.lua b/item_drop/item_entity.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fb0527f..0000000
--- a/item_drop/item_entity.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
--- Minetest: builtin/item_entity.lua
-function minetest.spawn_item(pos, item)
-	-- Take item in any format
-	local stack = ItemStack(item)
-	local obj = minetest.env:add_entity(pos, "__builtin:item")
-	obj:get_luaentity():set_item(stack:to_string())
-	return obj
-minetest.register_entity(":__builtin:item", {
-	initial_properties = {
-		hp_max = 1,
-		physical = true,
-		collisionbox = {-0.17,-0.17,-0.17, 0.17,0.17,0.17},
-		visual = "sprite",
-		visual_size = {x=0.5, y=0.5},
-		textures = {""},
-		spritediv = {x=1, y=1},
-		initial_sprite_basepos = {x=0, y=0},
-		is_visible = false,
-	},
-	itemstring = '',
-	physical_state = true,
-	timer = 0,
-	set_item = function(self, itemstring)
-		self.itemstring = itemstring
-		local stack = ItemStack(itemstring)
-		local itemtable = stack:to_table()
-		local itemname = nil
-		if itemtable then
-			itemname = stack:to_table().name
-		end
-		local item_texture = nil
-		local item_type = ""
-		if minetest.registered_items[itemname] then
-			item_texture = minetest.registered_items[itemname].inventory_image
-			item_type = minetest.registered_items[itemname].type
-		end
-		prop = {
-			is_visible = true,
-			visual = "sprite",
-			textures = {"unknown_item.png"}
-		}
-		if item_texture and item_texture ~= "" then
-			prop.visual = "sprite"
-			prop.textures = {item_texture}
-			prop.visual_size = {x=0.50, y=0.50}
-		else
-			prop.visual = "wielditem"
-			prop.textures = {itemname}
-			prop.visual_size = {x=0.20, y=0.20}
-			prop.automatic_rotate = math.pi * 0.25
-		end
-		self.object:set_properties(prop)
-	end,
-	get_staticdata = function(self)
-		--return self.itemstring
-		return minetest.serialize({
-			itemstring = self.itemstring,
-			always_collect = self.always_collect,
-			timer = self.timer,
-		})
-	end,
-	on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s)
-		if string.sub(staticdata, 1, string.len("return")) == "return" then
-			local data = minetest.deserialize(staticdata)
-			if data and type(data) == "table" then
-				self.itemstring = data.itemstring
-				self.always_collect = data.always_collect
-				self.timer = data.timer
-				if not self.timer then
-					self.timer = 0
-				end
-				self.timer = self.timer+dtime_s
-			end
-		else
-			self.itemstring = staticdata
-		end
-		self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1})
-		self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=2, z=0})
-		self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0})
-		self:set_item(self.itemstring)
-	end,
-	on_step = function(self, dtime)
-		local time = tonumber(minetest.setting_get("remove_items"))
-		if not time then
-			time = 300
-		end
-		if not self.timer then
-			self.timer = 0
-		end
-		self.timer = self.timer + dtime
-		if time ~= 0 and (self.timer > time) then
-			self.object:remove()
-		end
-		local p = self.object:getpos()
-		local name = minetest.env:get_node(p).name
-		if name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" then
-			minetest.sound_play("builtin_item_lava", {pos=self.object:getpos(),gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 10})
-			self.object:remove()
-			return
-		end
-		if minetest.registered_nodes[name] and minetest.registered_nodes[name].liquidtype == "flowing" then
-			get_flowing_dir = function(self)
-				local pos = self.object:getpos()
-				local param2 = minetest.env:get_node(pos).param2
-				for i,d in ipairs({-1, 1, -1, 1}) do
-					if i<3 then
-						pos.x = pos.x+d
-					else
-						pos.z = pos.z+d
-					end
-					local name = minetest.env:get_node(pos).name
-					local par2 = minetest.env:get_node(pos).param2
-					if name == "default:water_flowing" and par2 < param2 then
-						return pos
-					end
-					if i<3 then
-						pos.x = pos.x-d
-					else
-						pos.z = pos.z-d
-					end
-				end
-			end
-			local vec = get_flowing_dir(self)
-			if vec then
-				local v = self.object:getvelocity()
-				if vec and vec.x-p.x > 0 then
-					self.object:setvelocity({x=0.5,y=v.y,z=0})
-				elseif vec and vec.x-p.x < 0 then
-					self.object:setvelocity({x=-0.5,y=v.y,z=0})
-				elseif vec and vec.z-p.z > 0 then
-					self.object:setvelocity({x=0,y=v.y,z=0.5})
-				elseif vec and vec.z-p.z < 0 then
-					self.object:setvelocity({x=0,y=v.y,z=-0.5})
-				end
-				self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0})
-				self.physical_state = true
-				self.object:set_properties({
-					physical = true
-				})
-				return
-			end
-		end
-		p.y = p.y - 0.3
-		local nn = minetest.env:get_node(p).name
-		-- If node is not registered or node is walkably solid
-		if not minetest.registered_nodes[nn] or minetest.registered_nodes[nn].walkable then
-			if self.physical_state then
-				self.object:setvelocity({x=0,y=0,z=0})
-				self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=0, z=0})
-				self.physical_state = false
-				self.object:set_properties({
-					physical = false
-				})
-			end
-		else
-			if not self.physical_state then
-				self.object:setvelocity({x=0,y=0,z=0})
-				self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0})
-				self.physical_state = true
-				self.object:set_properties({
-					physical = true
-				})
-			end
-		end
-	end,
-	on_punch = function(self, hitter)
-		if self.itemstring ~= '' then
-			hitter:get_inventory():add_item("main", self.itemstring)
-		end
-		self.object:remove()
-	end,
-if minetest.setting_get("log_mods") then
-	minetest.log("action", "builtin_item loaded")
diff --git a/item_drop/item_entity_old.lua b/item_drop/item_entity_old.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e479a1..0000000
--- a/item_drop/item_entity_old.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
--- Minetest: builtin/item_entity.lua
-function minetest.spawn_item(pos, item)
-	-- Take item in any format
-	local stack = ItemStack(item)
-	local obj = minetest.env:add_entity(pos, "__builtin:item")
-	obj:get_luaentity():set_item(stack:to_string())
-	return obj
-minetest.register_entity(":__builtin:item", {
-	initial_properties = {
-		hp_max = 1,
-		physical = true,
-		collisionbox = {-0.17,-0.17,-0.17, 0.17,0.17,0.17},
-		visual = "sprite",
-		visual_size = {x=0.5, y=0.5},
-		textures = {""},
-		spritediv = {x=1, y=1},
-		initial_sprite_basepos = {x=0, y=0},
-		is_visible = false,
-	},
-	itemstring = '',
-	physical_state = true,
-	timer = 0,
-	set_item = function(self, itemstring)
-		self.itemstring = itemstring
-		local stack = ItemStack(itemstring)
-		local itemtable = stack:to_table()
-		local itemname = nil
-		if itemtable then
-			itemname = stack:to_table().name
-		end
-		local item_texture = nil
-		local item_type = ""
-		if minetest.registered_items[itemname] then
-			item_texture = minetest.registered_items[itemname].inventory_image
-			item_type = minetest.registered_items[itemname].type
-		end
-		prop = {
-			is_visible = true,
-			visual = "sprite",
-			textures = {"unknown_item.png"}
-		}
-		if item_texture and item_texture ~= "" then
-			prop.visual = "sprite"
-			prop.textures = {item_texture}
-			prop.visual_size = {x=0.50, y=0.50}
-		else
-			prop.visual = "wielditem"
-			prop.textures = {itemname}
-			prop.visual_size = {x=0.20, y=0.20}
-			prop.automatic_rotate = math.pi * 0.25
-		end
-		self.object:set_properties(prop)
-	end,
-	get_staticdata = function(self)
-		--return self.itemstring
-		return minetest.serialize({
-			itemstring = self.itemstring,
-			always_collect = self.always_collect,
-		})
-	end,
-	on_activate = function(self, staticdata)
-		if string.sub(staticdata, 1, string.len("return")) == "return" then
-			local data = minetest.deserialize(staticdata)
-			if data and type(data) == "table" then
-				self.itemstring = data.itemstring
-				self.always_collect = data.always_collect
-			end
-		else
-			self.itemstring = staticdata
-		end
-		self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1})
-		self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=2, z=0})
-		self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0})
-		self:set_item(self.itemstring)
-	end,
-	on_step = function(self, dtime)
-		self.timer = self.timer + dtime
-		if (self.timer > 300) then
-			self.object:remove()
-		end
-		local p = self.object:getpos()
-		p.y = p.y - 0.3
-		local nn = minetest.env:get_node(p).name
-		-- If node is not registered or node is walkably solid and resting on nodebox
-		local v = self.object:getvelocity()
-		if not minetest.registered_nodes[nn] or minetest.registered_nodes[nn].walkable and v.y == 0 then
-			if self.physical_state then
-				self.object:setvelocity({x=0,y=0,z=0})
-				self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=0, z=0})
-				self.physical_state = false
-				self.object:set_properties({
-					physical = false
-				})
-			end
-		else
-			if not self.physical_state then
-				self.object:setvelocity({x=0,y=0,z=0})
-				self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0})
-				self.physical_state = true
-				self.object:set_properties({
-					physical = true
-				})
-			end
-		end
-	end,
-	on_punch = function(self, hitter)
-		if self.itemstring ~= '' then
-			local left = hitter:get_inventory():add_item("main", self.itemstring)
-			if not left:is_empty() then
-				self.itemstring = left:to_string()
-				return
-			end
-		end
-		self.object:remove()
-	end,
diff --git a/item_drop/sounds/item_drop_pickup.1.ogg b/item_drop/sounds/item_drop_pickup.1.ogg
deleted file mode 100644
index f5ea6b9..0000000
--- a/item_drop/sounds/item_drop_pickup.1.ogg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/item_drop/sounds/item_drop_pickup.2.ogg b/item_drop/sounds/item_drop_pickup.2.ogg
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ed4869..0000000
--- a/item_drop/sounds/item_drop_pickup.2.ogg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/item_drop/sounds/item_drop_pickup.3.ogg b/item_drop/sounds/item_drop_pickup.3.ogg
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e2d1e0..0000000
--- a/item_drop/sounds/item_drop_pickup.3.ogg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/item_drop/sounds/item_drop_pickup.4.ogg b/item_drop/sounds/item_drop_pickup.4.ogg
deleted file mode 100644
index 13430e2..0000000
--- a/item_drop/sounds/item_drop_pickup.4.ogg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ

Gitblit v1.8.0