From a9b10cc4b10110a9c54bd03ac07eea3151b10ede Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mat9117 <>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2019 11:43:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix Polish translation (#497)

 technic/machines/register/battery_box.lua |  460 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 358 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

diff --git a/technic/machines/register/battery_box.lua b/technic/machines/register/battery_box.lua
index 3b5728b..4f1f76e 100644
--- a/technic/machines/register/battery_box.lua
+++ b/technic/machines/register/battery_box.lua
@@ -1,17 +1,70 @@
+local digilines_path = minetest.get_modpath("digilines")
 local S = technic.getter
+local tube_entry = "^pipeworks_tube_connection_metallic.png"
+local cable_entry = "^technic_cable_connection_overlay.png"
+local fs_helpers = pipeworks.fs_helpers
 technic.register_power_tool("technic:battery", 10000)
 technic.register_power_tool("technic:red_energy_crystal", 50000)
 technic.register_power_tool("technic:green_energy_crystal", 150000)
 technic.register_power_tool("technic:blue_energy_crystal", 450000)
+-- Battery recipes:
+-- Tin-copper recipe:
-	output = 'technic:battery',
+	output = "technic:battery",
 	recipe = {
-		{'group:wood', 'default:copper_ingot', 'group:wood'},
-		{'group:wood', 'moreores:tin_ingot',   'group:wood'},
-		{'group:wood', 'default:copper_ingot', 'group:wood'},
+		{"group:wood", "default:copper_ingot", "group:wood"},
+		{"group:wood", "default:tin_ingot",    "group:wood"},
+		{"group:wood", "default:copper_ingot", "group:wood"},
+	}
+-- Sulfur-lead-water recipes:
+-- With sulfur lumps:
+-- With water:
+	output = "technic:battery",
+	recipe = {
+		{"group:wood",         "technic:sulfur_lump", "group:wood"},
+		{"technic:lead_ingot", "bucket:bucket_water", "technic:lead_ingot"},
+		{"group:wood",         "technic:sulfur_lump", "group:wood"},
+	},
+	replacements = {
+		{"bucket:bucket_water", "bucket:bucket_empty"}
+	}
+-- With oil extract:
+	output = "technic:battery",
+	recipe = {
+		{"group:wood",         "technic:sulfur_lump",   "group:wood"},
+		{"technic:lead_ingot", "homedecor:oil_extract", "technic:lead_ingot"},
+		{"group:wood",         "technic:sulfur_lump",   "group:wood"},
+	}
+-- With sulfur dust:
+-- With water:
+	output = "technic:battery",
+	recipe = {
+		{"group:wood",         "technic:sulfur_dust", "group:wood"},
+		{"technic:lead_ingot", "bucket:bucket_water", "technic:lead_ingot"},
+		{"group:wood",         "technic:sulfur_dust", "group:wood"},
+	},
+	replacements = {
+		{"bucket:bucket_water", "bucket:bucket_empty"}
+	}
+-- With oil extract:
+	output = "technic:battery",
+	recipe = {
+		{"group:wood",         "technic:sulfur_dust",   "group:wood"},
+		{"technic:lead_ingot", "homedecor:oil_extract", "technic:lead_ingot"},
+		{"group:wood",         "technic:sulfur_dust",   "group:wood"},
@@ -29,124 +82,309 @@
+-- x+2 + (z+2)*2
+local dirtab = {
+	[4] = 2,
+	[5] = 3,
+	[7] = 1,
+	[8] = 0
+local tube = {
+	insert_object = function(pos, node, stack, direction)
+		print(minetest.pos_to_string(direction), dirtab[direction.x+2+(direction.z+2)*2], node.param2)
+		if direction.y == 1
+			or (direction.y == 0 and dirtab[direction.x+2+(direction.z+2)*2] == node.param2) then
+			return stack
+		end
+		local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+		local inv = meta:get_inventory()
+		if direction.y == 0 then
+			return inv:add_item("src", stack)
+		else
+			return inv:add_item("dst", stack)
+		end
+	end,
+	can_insert = function(pos, node, stack, direction)
+		print(minetest.pos_to_string(direction), dirtab[direction.x+2+(direction.z+2)*2], node.param2)
+		if direction.y == 1
+			or (direction.y == 0 and dirtab[direction.x+2+(direction.z+2)*2] == node.param2) then
+			return false
+		end
+		local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+		local inv = meta:get_inventory()
+		if direction.y == 0 then
+			if meta:get_int("split_src_stacks") == 1 then
+				stack = stack:peek_item(1)
+			end
+			return inv:room_for_item("src", stack)
+		else
+			if meta:get_int("split_dst_stacks") == 1 then
+				stack = stack:peek_item(1)
+			end
+			return inv:room_for_item("dst", stack)
+		end
+	end,
+	connect_sides = {left=1, right=1, back=1, top=1},
+local function add_on_off_buttons(meta, ltier, charge_percent)
+	local formspec = "image[1,1;1,2;technic_power_meter_bg.png"
+			.."^[lowpart:"..charge_percent
+			..":technic_power_meter_fg.png]"
+	if ltier == "mv" or ltier == "hv" then
+		formspec = formspec..
+			fs_helpers.cycling_button(
+				meta,
+				"image_button[3,2.0;1,0.6",
+				"split_src_stacks",
+				{
+					pipeworks.button_off,
+					pipeworks.button_on
+				}
+			).."label[3.9,2.01;Allow splitting incoming 'charge' stacks from tubes]"..
+			fs_helpers.cycling_button(
+				meta,
+				"image_button[3,2.5;1,0.6",
+				"split_dst_stacks",
+				{
+					pipeworks.button_off,
+					pipeworks.button_on
+				}
+			).."label[3.9,2.51;Allow splitting incoming 'discharge' stacks]"
+	end
+	return formspec
 function technic.register_battery_box(data)
 	local tier = data.tier
 	local ltier = string.lower(tier)
 	local formspec =
-		"invsize[8,9;]"..
+		"size[8,9]"..
-		"list[current_name;src;3,1;1,1;]"..
+		"list[context;src;3,1;1,1;]"..
-		"list[current_name;dst;5,1;1,1;]"..
+		"list[context;dst;5,1;1,1;]"..
 		"label[0,0;"..S("%s Battery Box"):format(tier).."]"..
 		"label[1,3;"..S("Power level").."]"..
-		"list[current_player;main;0,5;8,4;]"
+		"list[current_player;main;0,5;8,4;]"..
+		"listring[context;dst]"..
+		"listring[current_player;main]"..
+		"listring[context;src]"..
+		"listring[current_player;main]"
+	if digilines_path then
+		formspec = formspec.."button[0.6,3.7;2,1;edit_channel;edit Channel]"
+	end
+	if data.upgrade then
+		formspec = formspec..
+			"list[context;upgrade1;3.5,3;1,1;]"..
+			"list[context;upgrade2;4.5,3;1,1;]"..
+			"label[3.5,4;"..S("Upgrade Slots").."]"..
+			"listring[context;upgrade1]"..
+			"listring[current_player;main]"..
+			"listring[context;upgrade2]"..
+			"listring[current_player;main]"
+	end
+	local run = function(pos, node)
+		local below = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z})
+		local meta           = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+		if not technic.is_tier_cable(, tier) then
+			meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Battery Box Has No Network"):format(tier))
+			return
+		end
+		local eu_input       = meta:get_int(tier.."_EU_input")
+		local current_charge = meta:get_int("internal_EU_charge")
+		local EU_upgrade, tube_upgrade = 0, 0
+		if data.upgrade then
+			EU_upgrade, tube_upgrade = technic.handle_machine_upgrades(meta)
+		end
+		local max_charge = data.max_charge * (1 + EU_upgrade / 10)
+		-- Charge/discharge the battery with the input EUs
+		if eu_input >= 0 then
+			current_charge = math.min(current_charge + eu_input, max_charge)
+		else
+			current_charge = math.max(current_charge + eu_input, 0)
+		end
+		-- Charging/discharging tools here
+		local tool_full, tool_empty
+		current_charge, tool_full = technic.charge_tools(meta,
+				current_charge, data.charge_step)
+		current_charge, tool_empty = technic.discharge_tools(meta,
+				current_charge, data.discharge_step,
+				max_charge)
+		if then
+			local inv = meta:get_inventory()
+			technic.handle_machine_pipeworks(pos, tube_upgrade,
+			function(pos, x_velocity, z_velocity)
+				if tool_full and not inv:is_empty("src") then
+					technic.send_items(pos, x_velocity, z_velocity, "src")
+				elseif tool_empty and not inv:is_empty("dst") then
+					technic.send_items(pos, x_velocity, z_velocity, "dst")
+				end
+			end)
+		end
+		-- We allow batteries to charge on less than the demand
+		meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_demand",
+				math.min(data.charge_rate, max_charge - current_charge))
+		meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_supply",
+				math.min(data.discharge_rate, current_charge))
+			meta:set_int("internal_EU_charge", current_charge)
+		-- Select node textures
+		local charge_count = math.ceil((current_charge / max_charge) * 8)
+		charge_count = math.min(charge_count, 8)
+		charge_count = math.max(charge_count, 0)
+		local last_count = meta:get_float("last_side_shown")
+		if charge_count ~= last_count then
+			technic.swap_node(pos,"technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box"..charge_count)
+			meta:set_float("last_side_shown", charge_count)
+		end
+		local charge_percent = math.floor(current_charge / max_charge * 100)
+		meta:set_string("formspec", formspec..add_on_off_buttons(meta, ltier, charge_percent))
+		local infotext = S("@1 Battery Box: @2 / @3", tier,
+				technic.EU_string(current_charge),
+				technic.EU_string(max_charge))
+		if eu_input == 0 then
+			infotext = S("%s Idle"):format(infotext)
+		end
+		meta:set_string("infotext", infotext)
+	end
 	for i = 0, 8 do
-		local groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2}
+		local groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,
+				technic_machine=1, ["technic_"..ltier]=1}
 		if i ~= 0 then
 			groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
+		if then
+			groups.tubedevice = 1
+			groups.tubedevice_receiver = 1
+		end
+		local top_tex = "technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_top.png"..tube_entry
+		local front_tex = "technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_front.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png"
+		local side_tex = "technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_side.png"..tube_entry
+		local bottom_tex = "technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_bottom.png"..cable_entry
+		if ltier == "lv" then
+			top_tex = "technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_top.png"
+			front_tex = "technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_side.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png"
+			side_tex = "technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_side.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png"
+		end
 		minetest.register_node("technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box"..i, {
 			description = S("%s Battery Box"):format(tier),
-			tiles = {"technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_top.png",
-			         "technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_bottom.png",
-				 "technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_side.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png",
-				 "technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_side.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png",
-				 "technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_side.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png",
-				 "technic_"..ltier.."_battery_box_side.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png"},
+			tiles = {
+				top_tex,
+				bottom_tex,
+				side_tex,
+				side_tex,
+				side_tex,
+				front_tex},
 			groups = groups,
+			connect_sides = {"bottom"},
+			tube = and tube or nil,
+			paramtype2 = "facedir",
 			sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
 			drop = "technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box0",
 			on_construct = function(pos)
 				local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+				local EU_upgrade, tube_upgrade = 0, 0
+				if data.upgrade then
+					EU_upgrade, tube_upgrade = technic.handle_machine_upgrades(meta)
+				end
+				local max_charge = data.max_charge * (1 + EU_upgrade / 10)
+				local charge = meta:get_int("internal_EU_charge")
+				local cpercent = math.floor(charge / max_charge * 100)
 				local inv = meta:get_inventory()
 				local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
 				meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Battery Box"):format(tier))
-				meta:set_string("formspec", formspec)
+				meta:set_string("formspec", formspec..add_on_off_buttons(meta, ltier, cpercent))
+				meta:set_string("channel", ltier.."_battery_box"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
 				meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_demand", 0)
 				meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_supply", 0)
 				meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_input",  0)
 				meta:set_float("internal_EU_charge", 0)
 				inv:set_size("src", 1)
 				inv:set_size("dst", 1)
+				inv:set_size("upgrade1", 1)
+				inv:set_size("upgrade2", 1)
 			can_dig = technic.machine_can_dig,
 			allow_metadata_inventory_put = technic.machine_inventory_put,
 			allow_metadata_inventory_take = technic.machine_inventory_take,
 			allow_metadata_inventory_move = technic.machine_inventory_move,
+			technic_run = run,
+			on_rotate = screwdriver.rotate_simple,
+			after_place_node = and pipeworks.after_place,
+			after_dig_node = technic.machine_after_dig_node,
+			on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
+				local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+				local nodename = minetest.get_node(pos).name
+				if fields.edit_channel then
+					minetest.show_formspec(sender:get_player_name(),
+						"technic:battery_box_edit_channel"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos),
+						"field[channel;Digiline Channel;"..meta:get_string("channel").."]")
+				elseif fields["fs_helpers_cycling:0:split_src_stacks"]
+				  or   fields["fs_helpers_cycling:0:split_dst_stacks"]
+				  or   fields["fs_helpers_cycling:1:split_src_stacks"]
+				  or   fields["fs_helpers_cycling:1:split_dst_stacks"] then
+					local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+					if not pipeworks.may_configure(pos, sender) then return end
+					fs_helpers.on_receive_fields(pos, fields)
+					local EU_upgrade, tube_upgrade = 0, 0
+					if data.upgrade then
+						EU_upgrade, tube_upgrade = technic.handle_machine_upgrades(meta)
+					end
+					local max_charge = data.max_charge * (1 + EU_upgrade / 10)
+					local charge = meta:get_int("internal_EU_charge")
+					local cpercent = math.floor(charge / max_charge * 100)
+					meta:set_string("formspec", formspec..add_on_off_buttons(meta, ltier, cpercent))
+				end
+			end,
+			digiline = {
+				receptor = {action = function() end},
+				effector = {
+					action = function(pos, node, channel, msg)
+						if msg ~= "GET" and msg ~= "get" then
+							return
+						end
+						local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+						if channel ~= meta:get_string("channel") then
+							return
+						end
+						local inv = meta:get_inventory()
+						digilines.receptor_send(pos, digilines.rules.default, channel, {
+							demand = meta:get_int(tier.."_EU_demand"),
+							supply = meta:get_int(tier.."_EU_supply"),
+							input  = meta:get_int(tier.."_EU_input"),
+							charge = meta:get_int("internal_EU_charge"),
+							max_charge = data.max_charge * (1 + technic.handle_machine_upgrades(meta) / 10),
+							src      = inv:get_stack("src", 1):to_table(),
+							dst      = inv:get_stack("dst", 1):to_table(),
+							upgrade1 = inv:get_stack("upgrade1", 1):to_table(),
+							upgrade2 = inv:get_stack("upgrade2", 1):to_table()
+						})
+					end
+				},
+			},
-	minetest.register_abm({
-		nodenames = {"technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box0", "technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box1",
-		             "technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box2", "technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box3",
-		             "technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box4", "technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box5",
-		             "technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box6", "technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box7",
-		             "technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box8"},
-		interval = 1,
-		chance   = 1,
-		action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
-			local meta           = minetest.get_meta(pos)
-			local eu_input       = meta:get_int(tier.."_EU_input")
-			local current_charge = meta:get_int("internal_EU_charge")
-			-- Power off automatically if no longer connected to a switching station
-			technic.switching_station_timeout_count(pos, tier)
-			-- Charge/discharge the battery with the input EUs
-			if eu_input >= 0 then
-				current_charge = math.min(current_charge + eu_input, data.max_charge)
-			else
-				current_charge = math.max(current_charge + eu_input, 0)
-			end
-			-- Charging/discharging tools here
-			current_charge = technic.charge_tools(meta,
-					current_charge, data.charge_step)
-			current_charge = technic.discharge_tools(meta,
-					current_charge, data.discharge_step,
-					data.max_charge)
-			-- We allow batteries to charge on less than the demand
-			meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_demand",
-					math.min(data.charge_rate, data.max_charge - current_charge))
-			meta:set_int(tier.."_EU_supply",
-					math.min(data.discharge_rate, current_charge))
-			meta:set_int("internal_EU_charge", current_charge)
-			-- Select node textures
-			local charge_count = math.ceil((current_charge / data.max_charge) * 8)
-			charge_count = math.min(charge_count, 8)
-			charge_count = math.max(charge_count, 0)
-			local last_count = meta:get_float("last_side_shown")
-			if charge_count ~= last_count then
-				technic.swap_node(pos,"technic:"..ltier.."_battery_box"..charge_count)
-				meta:set_float("last_side_shown", charge_count)
-			end
-			local charge_percent = math.floor(current_charge / data.max_charge * 100)
-			meta:set_string("formspec",
-				formspec..
-				"image[1,1;1,2;technic_power_meter_bg.png"
-				.."^[lowpart:"..charge_percent
-				..":technic_power_meter_fg.png]")
-			local infotext = S("%s Battery Box: %d/%d"):format(tier,
-					current_charge, data.max_charge)
-			if eu_input == 0 then
-				infotext = S("%s Idle"):format(infotext)
-			end
-			meta:set_string("infotext", infotext)
-		end
-	})
 	-- Register as a battery type
 	-- Battery type machines function as power reservoirs and can both receive and give back power
@@ -156,52 +394,68 @@
 end -- End registration
+	function(player, formname, fields)
+		if formname:sub(1, 32) ~= "technic:battery_box_edit_channel" or
+				not then
+			return
+		end
+		local pos = minetest.string_to_pos(formname:sub(33))
+		local plname = player:get_player_name()
+		if minetest.is_protected(pos, plname) then
+			minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, plname)
+			return
+		end
+		local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+		meta:set_string("channel",
+	end
 function technic.charge_tools(meta, batt_charge, charge_step)
 	local inv = meta:get_inventory()
 	if inv:is_empty("src") then
-		return batt_charge
+		return batt_charge, false
-	local srcstack = inv:get_stack("src", 1)
-	local src_meta = minetest.deserialize(srcstack:get_metadata())
+	local src_stack = inv:get_stack("src", 1)
-	local toolname = srcstack:get_name()
-	if not technic.power_tools[toolname] then
-		return batt_charge
+	local tool_name = src_stack:get_name()
+	if not technic.power_tools[tool_name] then
+		return batt_charge, false
 	-- Set meta data for the tool if it didn't do it itself
-	src_meta = minetest.deserialize(srcstack:get_metadata())
-	src_meta = src_meta or {}
+	local src_meta = minetest.deserialize(src_stack:get_metadata()) or {}
 	if not src_meta.charge then
 		src_meta.charge = 0
 	-- Do the charging
-	local item_max_charge = technic.power_tools[toolname]
+	local item_max_charge = technic.power_tools[tool_name]
 	local tool_charge     = src_meta.charge
-	if tool_charge >= item_max_charge or batt_charge <= 0 then
-		return batt_charge
+	if tool_charge >= item_max_charge then
+		return batt_charge, true
+	elseif batt_charge <= 0 then
+		return batt_charge, false
 	charge_step = math.min(charge_step, batt_charge)
 	charge_step = math.min(charge_step, item_max_charge - tool_charge)
 	tool_charge = tool_charge + charge_step
 	batt_charge = batt_charge - charge_step
-	technic.set_RE_wear(srcstack, tool_charge, item_max_charge)
+	technic.set_RE_wear(src_stack, tool_charge, item_max_charge)
 	src_meta.charge = tool_charge
-	srcstack:set_metadata(minetest.serialize(src_meta))
-	inv:set_stack("src", 1, srcstack)
-	return batt_charge
+	src_stack:set_metadata(minetest.serialize(src_meta))
+	inv:set_stack("src", 1, src_stack)
+	return batt_charge, (tool_charge == item_max_charge)
 function technic.discharge_tools(meta, batt_charge, charge_step, max_charge)
 	local inv = meta:get_inventory()
 	if inv:is_empty("dst") then
-		return batt_charge
+		return batt_charge, false
 	srcstack = inv:get_stack("dst", 1)
 	local toolname = srcstack:get_name()
 	if technic.power_tools[toolname] == nil then
-		return batt_charge
+		return batt_charge, false
 	-- Set meta data for the tool if it didn't do it itself :-(
 	local src_meta = minetest.deserialize(srcstack:get_metadata())
@@ -213,8 +467,10 @@
 	-- Do the discharging
 	local item_max_charge = technic.power_tools[toolname]
 	local tool_charge     = src_meta.charge
-	if tool_charge <= 0 or batt_charge >= max_charge then
-		return batt_charge
+	if tool_charge <= 0 then
+		return batt_charge, true
+	elseif batt_charge >= max_charge then
+		return batt_charge, false
 	charge_step = math.min(charge_step, max_charge - batt_charge)
 	charge_step = math.min(charge_step, tool_charge)
@@ -224,6 +480,6 @@
 	src_meta.charge = tool_charge
 	inv:set_stack("dst", 1, srcstack)
-	return batt_charge
+	return batt_charge, (tool_charge == 0)

Gitblit v1.8.0