From 7d39136764c894cb4adc3f0726f1df5eb6a4926b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SmallJoker <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 18:03:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Chainsaw: Partial rewrite, various improvements (#607)

 technic/doc/ |  343 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 files changed, 237 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)

diff --git a/technic/doc/ b/technic/doc/
index 8ae6963..efbb3ea 100644
--- a/technic/doc/
+++ b/technic/doc/
@@ -1,41 +1,170 @@
-This file is fairly incomplete. Help is welcome.
+# technic API
-The tier is a string, currently `"LV"`, `"MV"` and `"HV"` are supported.
+This file documents the functions within the technic modpack for use in mods.
-The network is the cable with the connected machine nodes. Currently the
-switching station handles the network activity.
+[Switch to plaintext format](
-Helper functions
+**Undocumented API may change at any time.**
+## Tiers
+Tier are network types. List of pre-registered tiers:
+* `"LV"`, Low Voltage
+* `"MV"`, Medium Voltage
+* `"HV"`, High Voltage
+Available functions:
+* `technic.register_tier(tier, description)`
+	* Registers a network type (tier)
+	* `tier`: string, short name (ex. `LV`)
+	* `description`: string, long name (ex. `Low Voltage`)
+	* See also `tiers`
+## Cables
+* `technic.register_cable(tier, size)`
+	* Registers an existing node as cable
+	* `tier`: string
+	* `size`: number, visual size of the wire
+* `technic.get_cable_tier(nodename)`
+	* Retrieves the tier assigned to the provided node name
+	* `nodename`: string, name of the node
+	* Returns the tier (string) or `nil`
+* `technic.is_tier_cable(nodename, tier)`
+	* Tells whether the node `nodename` is the cable of the tier `tier`.
+	* Short version of `technic.get_cable_tier(nodename) == tier`
+## Machines
+The machine type indicates the direction of power flow.
+List of pre-registered machine types:
+* `technic.receiver = "RE"`: consumes energy. e.g. grinder
+* `technic.producer = "PR"`: provides energy. e.g. solar panel
+* `technic.producer_receiver = "PR_RE"` supply converter
+* `technic.battery  = "BA"`: stores energy. e.g. LV battery box
+Available functions:
+* `technic.register_base_machine(data)`
+	* Registers a new node and defines the underlying machine behaviour. `data` fields:
+	* `tier`: string, see #Tiers
+	* `typename`: string, equivalent to the processing type registered
+	  by `technic.register_recipe`. Examples: `"cooking"` `"alloy"`
+	* `machine_name`: string, node name
+	* `machine_desc`: string, node description
+	* `demand`: table, EU consumption values for each upgrade level.
+	  Up to three indices. Index 1 == no upgrade. Example: `{3000, 2000, 1000}`.
+	* `upgrade`: (boolean), whether to add upgrade slots
+	* `modname`: (string), mod origin
+	* `tube`: (boolean), whether the machine has Pipeworks connectivity
+	* `can_insert`: (func), see Pipeworks documentation
+		* Accepts all inputs by default, if `tube = 1`
+		* See also: `technic.can_insert_unique_stack`
+	* `insert_object`: (func), see Pipeworks documentation
+		* Accepts all inputs by default, if `tube = 1`
+		* See also: `technic.insert_object_unique_stack`
+	* `connect_sides`: (table), see Lua API documentation. Defaults to all directions but front.
+* `technic.register_machine(tier, nodename, machine_type)`
+	* Register an existing node as machine, bound to the network tier
+	* `tier`: string, see #Tiers
+	* `nodename`: string, node name
+	* `machine_type`: string, following options are possible:
+		* `technic.receiver = "RE"`: Consumes energy
+		* `technic.producer = "PR"`: Provides energy
+		* `technic.battery = "BA"`: Energy storage
+	* See also `Machine types`
+Callbacks for pipeworks item transfer:
+* `technic.can_insert_unique_stack(pos, node, stack, direction)`
+* `technic.insert_object_unique_stack(pos, node, stack, direction)`
+	* Functions for the parameters `can_insert` and `insert_object` to avoid
+	  filling multiple inventory slots with same type of item.
+### Recipes
+* `technic.register_recipe_type(typename, recipedef)`
+	* Registers a new recipe type used for machine processing
+	* `typename`: string, name of the recipe type
+	* Fields of `recipedef`:
+		* `description`: string, descriptor of the recipe type
+		* `input_size`: (numeric), count of input ItemStacks. default 1
+		* `output_size`: (numeric), count of output ItemStacks. default 1
+* `technic.register_recipe(recipe)`
+	* Registers a individual input/output recipe. Fields of `recipe`:
+	* `input`: table, integer-indexed list of input ItemStacks.
+	* `output`: table/ItemStack, single output or list of output ItemStacks.
+	* `time`: numeric, process time in seconds.
+* `technic.get_recipe(typename, items)`
+	* `typename`: string, see `technic.register_recipe_type`
+	* `items`: table, integer-indexed list of input ItemStacks.
+	* Returns: `recipe` table on success, `nil` otherwise
+The following functions can be used to register recipes for
+a specific machine type:
+* Centrifuge
+	* `technic.register_separating_recipe(recipe)`
+* Compressor
+	* `technic.register_compressor_recipe(recipe)`
+* Furnaces (electric, normal)
+	* `minetest.register_recipe(recipe)`
+* Extractor
+	* `technic.register_extractor_recipe(recipe)`
+* Freezer
+	* `technic.register_freezer_recipe(recipe)`
+* Grinder
+	* `technic.register_grinder_recipe(recipe)`
+## Tools
+* `technic.register_power_tool(itemname, max_charge)`
+	* Register or configure the maximal charge held by an existing item
+	* `craftitem`: string, item or node name
+	* `max_charge`: number, maximal EU capacity
+## Helper functions
+Unsorted functions:
 * `technic.EU_string(num)`
-	* Converts num to a human-readable string (see pretty_num)
+	* Converts num to a human-readable string (see `pretty_num`)
 	  and adds the `EU` unit
 	* Use this function when showing players energy values
 * `technic.pretty_num(num)`
 	* Converts the number `num` to a human-readable string with SI prefixes
-* `technic.swap_node(pos, nodename)`
-	* Same as `mintest.swap_node` but it only changes the nodename.
-	* It uses `minetest.get_node` before swapping to ensure the new nodename
-	  is not the same as the current one.
-* `technic.get_or_load_node(pos)`
-	* If the mapblock is loaded, it returns the node at pos,
-	  else it loads the chunk and returns `nil`.
+* `technic.config:get(name)`
+	* Some configuration function
+* `technic.tube_inject_item(pos, start_pos, velocity, item)`
+	* Same as `pipeworks.tube_inject_item`
+### Energy modifiers
 * `technic.set_RE_wear(itemstack, item_load, max_charge)`
-	* If the `wear_represents` field in the item's nodedef is
-	  `"technic_RE_charge"`, this function does nothing.
+	* Modifies the power tool wear of the given itemstack
+	* `itemstack`: ItemStack to modify
+	* `item_load`: number, used energy in EU
+	* `max_charge`: number, maximal EU capacity of the tool
+	* The itemdef field `wear_represents` must be set to `"technic_RE_charge"`,
+	  otherwise this function will do nothing.
+	* Returns the modified itemstack
 * `technic.refill_RE_charge(itemstack)`
 	* This function fully recharges an RE chargeable item.
 	* If `technic.power_tools[itemstack:get_name()]` is `nil` (or `false`), this
 	  function does nothing, else that value is the maximum charge.
 	* The itemstack metadata is changed to contain the charge.
-* `technic.is_tier_cable(nodename, tier)`
-	* Tells whether the node `nodename` is the cable of the tier `tier`.
-* `technic.get_cable_tier(nodename)`
-	* Returns the tier of the cable `nodename` or `nil`.
+### Node-specific
+* `technic.get_or_load_node(pos)`
+	* If the mapblock is loaded, it returns the node at pos,
+	  else it loads the chunk and returns `nil`.
+* `technic.swap_node(pos, nodename)`
+	* Same as `mintest.swap_node` but it only changes the nodename.
+	* It uses `minetest.get_node` before swapping to ensure the new nodename
+	  is not the same as the current one.
 * `technic.trace_node_ray(pos, dir, range)`
 	* Returns an iteration function (usable in the for loop) to iterate over the
 	  node positions along the specified ray.
@@ -43,95 +172,97 @@
 * `technic.trace_node_ray_fat(pos, dir, range)`
 	* Like `technic.trace_node_ray` but includes extra positions near the ray.
 	* The node ray functions are used for mining lasers.
-* `technic.config:get(name)`
-	* Some configuration function
-* `technic.tube_inject_item(pos, start_pos, velocity, item)`
-	* Same as `pipeworks.tube_inject_item`
-Registration functions
-* `technic.register_power_tool(itemname, max_charge)`
-	* Same as `technic.power_tools[itemname] = max_charge`
-	* This function makes the craftitem `itemname` chargeable.
-* `technic.register_machine(tier, nodename, machine_type)`
-	* Same as `technic.machines[tier][nodename] = machine_type`
-	* Currently this is requisite to make technic recognize your node.
-	* See also `Machine types`
-* `technic.register_tier(tier)`
-	* Same as `technic.machines[tier] = {}`
-	* See also `tiers`
-### Specific machines
-* `technic.register_solar_array(data)`
-	* data is a table
-* `technic.can_insert_unique_stack(pos, node, stack, direction)`
-* `technic.insert_object_unique_stack(pos, node, stack, direction)`
-	* Functions for the parameters `can_insert` and `insert_object` to avoid
-	  filling multiple inventory slots with same type of item.
+## Item Definition fields
-Used itemdef fields
-* groups:
-	* `technic_<ltier> = 1` ltier is a tier in small letters; this group makes
-	  the node connect to the cable(s) of the right tier.
-	* `technic_machine = 1` Currently used for
-* `connect_sides`
-	* In addition to the default use (see lua_api.txt), this tells where the
-	  machine can be connected.
-* `technic_run(pos, node)`
-	* This function is currently used to update the node.
+* `technic_<tier> = 1`
+	* Makes the node connect to the cables of the matching tier name
+	* `<tier>`: name of the tier, in lowercase (ex. `lv`)
+* `technic_machine = 1`
+	* UNRELIABLE. Indicates whether the item or node belongs to technic
+* `connect_sides = {"top", "left", ...}`
+	* Extends the Minetest API. Indicates where the machine can be connected.
+Additional definition fields:
+* `<itemdef>.wear_represents = "string"`
+	* Specifies how the tool wear level is handled. Available modes:
+		* `"mechanical_wear"`: represents physical damage
+		* `"technic_RE_charge"`: represents electrical charge
+* `<itemdef>.technic_run = function(pos, node) ...`
+	* This callback is used to update the node.
 	  Modders have to manually change the information about supply etc. in the
 	  node metadata.
+	* Technic-registered machines use this callback by default.
+* `<itemdef>.technic_disabled_machine_name = "string"`
+	* Specifies the machine's node name to use when it's not connected connected to a network
+* `<itemdef>.technic_on_disable = function(pos, node) ...`
+	* This callback is run when the machine is no longer connected to a technic-powered network.
+* `<itemdef>.technic_get_charge = function(itemstack) ...`
+	* Optional callback to overwrite the default charge behaviour.
+	* `itemstack`: ItemStack, the tool to analyse
+	* Return values:
+		* `charge`: Electrical charge of the tool
+		* `max_charge`: Upper charge limit
+	* Etc. `local charge, maxcharge = itemdef.technic_get_charge(itemstack)`
+* `<itemdef>.technic_set_charge = function(itemstack, charge) ...`
+	* Optional callback to overwrite the default charge behaviour.
+	* `itemstack`: ItemStack, the tool to update
+	* `charge`: numeric, value between `0` and `max_charge`
-Machine types
-There are currently following types:
-* `technic.receiver = "RE"` e.g. grinder
-* `technic.producer = "PR"` e.g. solar panel
-* `technic.producer_receiver = "PR_RE"` supply converter
-* `technic.battery  = "BA"` e.g. LV batbox
-Switching Station
-The switching station is the center of all power distribution on an electric
-The station collects power from sources (PR), distributes it to sinks (RE),
-and uses the excess/shortfall to charge and discharge batteries (BA).
-For now, all supply and demand values are expressed in kW.
-It works like this:
- All PR,BA,RE nodes are indexed and tagged with the switching station.
-The tagging is a workaround to allow more stations to be built without allowing
-a cheat with duplicating power.
- All the RE nodes are queried for their current EU demand. Those which are off
-would require no or a small standby EU demand, while those which are on would
-require more.
-If the total demand is less than the available power they are all updated with
-the demand number.
-If any surplus exists from the PR nodes the batteries will be charged evenly
-with this.
-If the total demand requires draw on the batteries they will be discharged
-If the total demand is more than the available power all RE nodes will be shut
-down. We have a brown-out situation.
-Hence for now all the power distribution logic resides in this single node.
-### Node meta usage
+## Node Metadata fields
 Nodes connected to the network will have one or more of these parameters as meta
-	* `<LV|MV|HV>_EU_supply` : Exists for PR and BA node types.
-	This is the EU value supplied by the node. Output
-	* `<LV|MV|HV>_EU_demand` : Exists for RE and BA node types.
-	This is the EU value the node requires to run. Output
-	* `<LV|MV|HV>_EU_input`  : Exists for RE and BA node types.
-	This is the actual EU value the network can give the node. Input
-The reason the LV|MV|HV type is prepended to meta data is because some machine
-could require several supplies to work.
-This way the supplies are separated per network.
+* `<tier>_EU_supply` - direction: output
+	* For nodes registered as `PR` or `BA` tier
+	* This is the EU value supplied by the node.
+* `<tier>_EU_demand` - direction: output
+	* For nodes registered as `RE` or `BA` tier
+	* This is the EU value the node requires to run.
+* `<tier>_EU_input` - direction: input
+	* For nodes registered as `RE` or `BA` tier
+	* This is the actual EU value the network can give the node.
+`<tier>` corresponds to the tier name registered using
+`technic.register_tier` (ex. `LV`). It is possible for the machine to depend on
+multiple tiers (or networks).
+## Manual: Network basics
+The switching station is the center of all power distribution on an electric
+network. This node is used to calculate the power supply of the network and
+to distribute the power across nodes.
+The switching station is the center of all electricity distribution. It collects
+power from sources (PR), distributes it to sinks (RE), and uses the
+excess/shortfall to charge and discharge batteries (BA).
+As a thumb of rule, "EU" (energy unit) values are expressed in kW.
+Network functionality:
+1. All PR, BA, RE nodes are indexed and tagged with one switching station.
+   The tagging is a workaround to allow more stations to be built without allowing
+   a cheat with duplicating power.
+2. All the RE nodes are queried for their current EU demand.
+   If the total demand is less than the available power they are all updated
+   with the demand number.
+3. BA nodes are evenly charged from energy surplus.
+4. Excess power draw will discharge batteries evenly.
+5. If the total demand is more than the available power all RE nodes will be shut
+   down. We have a brown-out situation.
+## Deprecated functions
+Following functions are either no longer used by technic, or are planned to
+be removed soon. Please update mods depending on technic accordingly.
+ * `technic.get_RE_item_load`
+    * Scales the tool wear to a certain numeric range
+ * `technic.set_RE_item_load`
+    * Scales a certain numeric range to the tool wear

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