From 2d7f750d9a734e2c84cc1ee14746a4ee2f8757e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hdastwb <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 03:43:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fixed a condition with mv machines so as to not power down machines with stuff to grind/smelt but nothing to tube out

 technic/machines/hv/battery_box.lua |  306 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)

diff --git a/technic/machines/hv/battery_box.lua b/technic/machines/hv/battery_box.lua
index 979dc13..34e41fc 100644
--- a/technic/machines/hv/battery_box.lua
+++ b/technic/machines/hv/battery_box.lua
@@ -1,192 +1,115 @@
+local max_charge         = 1500000
+local max_charge_rate    = 3000
+local max_discharge_rate = 5000
 -- HV battery box
-   {output = 'technic:hv_battery_box 1',
-    recipe = {
-       {'technic:mv_battery_box', 'technic:mv_battery_box', 'technic:mv_battery_box'},
-       {'technic:mv_battery_box', 'technic:hv_transformer', 'technic:mv_battery_box'},
-       {'', 'technic:hv_cable', ''},
-    }
- })
+	output = 'technic:hv_battery_box 1',
+	recipe = {
+		{'technic:mv_battery_box', 'technic:mv_battery_box', 'technic:mv_battery_box'},
+		{'technic:mv_battery_box', 'technic:hv_transformer', 'technic:mv_battery_box'},
+		{'',                       'technic:hv_cable',       ''},
+	}
 local battery_box_formspec =
-   "invsize[8,9;]"..
-   "image[1,1;1,2;technic_power_meter_bg.png]"..
-   "list[current_name;src;3,1;1,1;]"..
-   "image[4,1;1,1;technic_battery_reload.png]"..
-   "list[current_name;dst;5,1;1,1;]"..
-   "label[0,0;HV Battery Box]"..
-   "label[3,0;Charge]"..
-   "label[5,0;Discharge]"..
-   "label[1,3;Power level]"..
-   "list[current_player;main;0,5;8,4;]"
+	"invsize[8,9;]"..
+	"image[1,1;1,2;technic_power_meter_bg.png]"..
+	"list[current_name;src;3,1;1,1;]"..
+	"list[current_name;dst;5,1;1,1;]"..
+	"label[0,0;HV Battery Box]"..
+	"label[3,0;Charge]"..
+	"label[5,0;Discharge]"..
+	"label[1,3;Power level]"..
+	"list[current_player;main;0,5;8,4;]"..
+	"background[-0.19,-0.25;8.4,9.75;ui_form_bg.png]"..
+	"background[0,0;8,4;ui_hv_battery_box.png]"..
+	"background[0,5;8,4;ui_main_inventory.png]"
-   "technic:hv_battery_box", {
-      description = "HV Battery Box",
-      tiles = {"technic_hv_battery_box_top.png", "technic_hv_battery_box_bottom.png", "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png",
-	       "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png", "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png", "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png"},
-      groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2},
-      sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
-      drop="technic:hv_battery_box",
-      on_construct = function(pos)
-			local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
+minetest.register_node("technic:hv_battery_box", {
+	description = "HV Battery Box",
+	tiles = {"technic_hv_battery_box_top.png",   "technic_hv_battery_box_bottom.png",
+	         "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png", "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png",
+	         "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png", "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png"},
+	groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2},
+	sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
+	drop = "technic:hv_battery_box",
+	on_construct = function(pos)
+		local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
+		local inv = meta:get_inventory()
+		meta:set_string("infotext", "HV Battery Box")
+		meta:set_float("technic_hv_power_machine", 1)
+		meta:set_string("formspec", battery_box_formspec)
+		meta:set_int("HV_EU_demand", 0) -- How much this node can charge
+		meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", 0) -- How much this node can discharge
+		meta:set_int("HV_EU_input",  0) -- How much power this machine is getting.
+		meta:set_float("internal_EU_charge", 0)
+		inv:set_size("src", 1)
+		inv:set_size("dst", 1)
+	end,
+	can_dig = function(pos,player)
+		local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos);
+		local inv = meta:get_inventory()
+		if not inv:is_empty("src") or not inv:is_empty("dst") then
+			minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty");
+			return false
+		else
+			return true
+		end
+	end,
+for i = 1,8,1 do
+	minetest.register_node("technic:hv_battery_box"..i, {
+		description = "HV Battery Box",
+		tiles = {"technic_hv_battery_box_top.png", "technic_hv_battery_box_bottom.png",
+		         "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png",
+		         "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png",
+		         "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png",
+		         "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png"},
+		groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
+		sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
+		paramtype="light",
+		light_source=9,
+		drop="technic:hv_battery_box",
+		can_dig = function(pos,player)
+			local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos);
 			local inv = meta:get_inventory()
-			meta:set_string("infotext", "HV Battery Box")
-			meta:set_float("technic_hv_power_machine", 1)
-			meta:set_string("formspec", battery_box_formspec)
-			meta:set_int("HV_EU_demand", 0) -- How much can this node charge
-			meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", 0) -- How much can this node discharge
-			meta:set_int("HV_EU_input",  0) -- How much power is this machine getting.
-			meta:set_float("internal_EU_charge", 0)
-			inv:set_size("src", 1)
-			inv:set_size("dst", 1)
-		     end,
-      can_dig = function(pos,player)
-		   local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos);
-		   local inv = meta:get_inventory()
-		   if not inv:is_empty("src") or not inv:is_empty("dst") then
-		      minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty");
-		      return false
-		   else
-		      return true
-		   end
+			if not inv:is_empty("src") or not inv:is_empty("dst") then
+				minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty");
+				return false
+			else
+				return true
+			end
-   })
-for i=1,8,1 do
-   minetest.register_node(
-      "technic:hv_battery_box"..i,
-      {description = "HV Battery Box",
-       tiles = {"technic_hv_battery_box_top.png", "technic_hv_battery_box_bottom.png", "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png",
-		"technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png", "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png", "technic_hv_battery_box_side0.png^technic_power_meter"..i..".png"},
-       groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-       sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
-       paramtype="light",
-       light_source=9,
-       drop="technic:hv_battery_box",
-       can_dig = function(pos,player)
-		    local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos);
-		    local inv = meta:get_inventory()
-		    if not inv:is_empty("src") or not inv:is_empty("dst") then
-		       minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty");
-		       return false
-		    else
-		       return true
-		    end
-		 end,
-    })
+	})
-local power_tools = technic.HV_power_tools
-local charge_HV_tools = function(meta, charge)
-		     --charge registered power tools
-		     local inv = meta:get_inventory()
-		     if inv:is_empty("src")==false  then
-			local srcstack = inv:get_stack("src", 1)
-			local src_item=srcstack:to_table()
-			local src_meta=get_item_meta(src_item["metadata"])
-			local toolname = src_item["name"]
-			if power_tools[toolname] ~= nil then
-			   -- Set meta data for the tool if it didn't do it itself :-(
-			   src_meta=get_item_meta(src_item["metadata"])
-			   if src_meta==nil then
-			      src_meta={}
-			      src_meta["technic_hv_power_tool"]=true
-			      src_meta["charge"]=0
-			   else
-			      if src_meta["technic_hv_power_tool"]==nil then
-				 src_meta["technic_hv_power_tool"]=true
-				 src_meta["charge"]=0
-			      end
-			   end
-			   -- Do the charging
-			   local item_max_charge = power_tools[toolname]
-			   local load            = src_meta["charge"]
-			   local load_step       = 1000 -- how much to charge per tick
-			   if load<item_max_charge and charge>0 then
-			      if charge-load_step<0 then load_step=charge end
-			      if load+load_step>item_max_charge then load_step=item_max_charge-load end
-			      load=load+load_step
-			      charge=charge-load_step
-			      technic.set_RE_wear(src_item,load,item_max_charge)
-			      src_meta["charge"]   = load
-			      src_item["metadata"] = set_item_meta(src_meta)
-			      inv:set_stack("src", 1, src_item)
-			   end
-			end
-		     end
-		     return charge -- return the remaining charge in the battery
-		  end
-local discharge_HV_tools = function(meta, charge, max_charge)
-			-- discharging registered power tools
-			local inv = meta:get_inventory()
-			if inv:is_empty("dst") == false then
-			   srcstack = inv:get_stack("dst", 1)
-			   src_item=srcstack:to_table()
-			   local src_meta=get_item_meta(src_item["metadata"])
-			   local toolname = src_item["name"]
-			   if power_tools[toolname] ~= nil then
-			      -- Set meta data for the tool if it didn't do it itself :-(
-			      src_meta=get_item_meta(src_item["metadata"])
-			      if src_meta==nil then
-				 src_meta={}
-				 src_meta["technic_hv_power_tool"]=true
-				 src_meta["charge"]=0
-			      else
-				 if src_meta["technic_hv_power_tool"]==nil then
-				    src_meta["technic_hv_power_tool"]=true
-				    src_meta["charge"]=0
-				 end
-			      end
-			      -- Do the discharging
-			      local item_max_charge = power_tools[toolname]
-			      local load            = src_meta["charge"]
-			      local load_step       = 4000 -- how much to discharge per tick
-			      if load>0 and charge<max_charge then
-				 if charge+load_step>max_charge then load_step=max_charge-charge end
-				 if load-load_step<0 then load_step=load end
-				 load=load-load_step
-				 charge=charge+load_step
-				 technic.set_RE_wear(src_item,load,item_max_charge)
-				 src_meta["charge"]=load
-				 src_item["metadata"]=set_item_meta(src_meta)
-				 inv:set_stack("dst", 1, src_item)
-			      end
-			   end
-			end
-			return charge -- return the remaining charge in the battery
-		     end
-   {nodenames = {"technic:hv_battery_box","technic:hv_battery_box1","technic:hv_battery_box2","technic:hv_battery_box3","technic:hv_battery_box4",
-		 "technic:hv_battery_box5","technic:hv_battery_box6","technic:hv_battery_box7","technic:hv_battery_box8"
-	      },
-    interval = 1,
-    chance   = 1,
-    action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
-		local meta               = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
-		local max_charge         = 1500000 -- Set maximum charge for the device here
-		local max_charge_rate    = 3000    -- Set maximum rate of charging
-		local max_discharge_rate = 5000    -- Set maximum rate of discharging (16000)
-		local eu_input           = meta:get_int("HV_EU_input")
-		local current_charge     = meta:get_int("internal_EU_charge") -- Battery charge right now
+	nodenames = {"technic:hv_battery_box",  "technic:hv_battery_box1", "technic:hv_battery_box2",
+	             "technic:hv_battery_box3", "technic:hv_battery_box4", "technic:hv_battery_box5",
+	             "technic:hv_battery_box6", "technic:hv_battery_box7", "technic:hv_battery_box8"},
+	interval = 1,
+	chance   = 1,
+	action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
+		local meta           = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
+		local eu_input       = meta:get_int("HV_EU_input")
+		local current_charge = meta:get_int("internal_EU_charge") -- Battery charge right now
 		-- Power off automatically if no longer connected to a switching station
 		technic.switching_station_timeout_count(pos, "HV")
 		-- Charge/discharge the battery with the input EUs
-		if eu_input >=0 then
-		   current_charge = math.min(current_charge+eu_input, max_charge)
+		if eu_input >= 0 then
+			current_charge = math.min(current_charge + eu_input, max_charge)
-		   current_charge = math.max(current_charge+eu_input, 0)
+			current_charge = math.max(current_charge + eu_input, 0)
 		-- Charging/discharging tools here
-		current_charge = charge_HV_tools(meta, current_charge)
-		current_charge = discharge_HV_tools(meta, current_charge, max_charge)
+		current_charge = charge_tools(meta, current_charge, 16000)
+		current_charge = discharge_tools(meta, current_charge, max_charge, 16000)
 		-- Set a demand (we allow batteries to charge on less than the demand though)
 		meta:set_int("HV_EU_demand", math.min(max_charge_rate, max_charge-current_charge))
@@ -195,37 +118,40 @@
 		meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", math.min(max_discharge_rate, current_charge))
 		meta:set_int("internal_EU_charge", current_charge)
-		--dprint("BA: input:"..eu_input.." supply="..meta:get_int("HV_EU_supply").." demand="..meta:get_int("HV_EU_demand").." current:"..current_charge)
 		-- Select node textures
-		local i=math.ceil((current_charge/max_charge)*8)
-		if i > 8 then i = 8 end
-		local j = meta:get_float("last_side_shown")
-		if i~=j then
-		   if i>0 then hacky_swap_node(pos,"technic:hv_battery_box"..i)
-		   elseif i==0 then hacky_swap_node(pos,"technic:hv_battery_box") end
-		   meta:set_float("last_side_shown",i)
+		local charge_count = math.ceil((current_charge / max_charge) * 8)
+		if charge_count > 8 then
+			charge_count = 8
+		end
+		local last_count = meta:get_float("last_side_shown")
+		if charge_count ~= last_count then
+			if charge_count > 0 then
+				hacky_swap_node(pos,"technic:hv_battery_box"..charge_count)
+			else
+				hacky_swap_node(pos,"technic:hv_battery_box")
+			end
+			meta:set_float("last_side_shown", charge_count)
-		local load = math.floor(current_charge/max_charge * 100)
+		local charge_percent = math.floor(current_charge / max_charge * 100)
-				battery_box_formspec..
-				   "image[1,1;1,2;technic_power_meter_bg.png^[lowpart:"..
-				   (load)..":technic_power_meter_fg.png]"
-			     )
+			battery_box_formspec..
+			"image[1,1;1,2;technic_power_meter_bg.png^[lowpart:"
+			..charge_percent..":technic_power_meter_fg.png]")
 		if eu_input == 0 then
-		   meta:set_string("infotext", "HV Battery box: "..current_charge.."/"..max_charge.." (idle)")
+			meta:set_string("infotext", "HV Battery box: "..current_charge.."/"..max_charge.." (idle)")
-		   meta:set_string("infotext", "HV Battery box: "..current_charge.."/"..max_charge)
+			meta:set_string("infotext", "HV Battery box: "..current_charge.."/"..max_charge)
-	     end
- })
+	end
 -- Register as a battery type
 -- Battery type machines function as power reservoirs and can both receive and give back power
 for i=1,8,1 do
-   technic.register_HV_machine("technic:hv_battery_box"..i,"BA")
+	technic.register_HV_machine("technic:hv_battery_box"..i,"BA")

Gitblit v1.8.0