From 10307f23a78b33af50dc4a5f3d1baafb4ee4b0d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maciej 'agaran' Pijanka <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 00:00:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Do not run converters twice.

 technic/machines/register/cables.lua |  296 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)

diff --git a/technic/machines/register/cables.lua b/technic/machines/register/cables.lua
index 3bf2208..165db98 100644
--- a/technic/machines/register/cables.lua
+++ b/technic/machines/register/cables.lua
@@ -1,181 +1,167 @@
 local S = technic.getter
-technic.cables = {}
+local cable_tier = {}
-function technic.register_cable(tier, size)
-	local ltier = string.lower(tier)
-	for x1 = 0, 1 do
-	for x2 = 0, 1 do
-	for y1 = 0, 1 do
-	for y2 = 0, 1 do
-	for z1 = 0, 1 do
-	for z2 = 0, 1 do
-		local id = technic.get_cable_id({x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2})
-		technic.cables["technic:"..ltier.."_cable"] = tier
-		local groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2}
-		if id ~= 0 then
-			groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
-		end
-		minetest.register_node("technic:"..ltier.."_cable", {
-			description = S("%s Cable"):format(tier),
-			tiles = {"technic_"..ltier.."_cable.png"},
-			inventory_image = "technic_"..ltier.."_cable_wield.png",
-			wield_image = "technic_"..ltier.."_cable_wield.png",
-			groups = groups,
-			sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
-			drop = "technic:"..ltier.."_cable0",
-			paramtype = "light",
-			sunlight_propagates = true,
-			drawtype = "nodebox",
-			node_box = {
-				type = "fixed",
-				fixed = technic.gen_cable_nodebox(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, size)
-			},
-			on_construct = function()
-				technic.networks = {}
-			end,
-			on_destruct = function()
-				technic.networks = {}
-			end,
-			after_place_node = function(pos)
-				local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
-				technic.update_cables(pos, technic.get_cable_tier(
-			end,
-			after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode)
-				local tier = technic.get_cable_tier(
-				technic.update_cables(pos, tier, true)
-			end
-		})
-	end
-	end
-	end
-	end
-	end
-	end
+function technic.is_tier_cable(name, tier)
+	return cable_tier[name] == tier
-minetest.register_on_placenode(function(pos, node)
-	for tier, machine_list in pairs(technic.machines) do
-		for machine_name, _ in pairs(machine_list) do
-			if == machine_name then
-				technic.update_cables(pos, tier, true)
-				technic.networks = {}
-				return
-			end
-		end
-	end
-minetest.register_on_dignode(function(pos, node)
-	for tier, machine_list in pairs(technic.machines) do
-		for machine_name, _ in pairs(machine_list) do
-			if == machine_name then
-				technic.update_cables(pos, tier, true)
-				technic.networks = {}
-				return
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function technic.get_cable_id(links)
-	return (links[6] * 1) + (links[5] * 2)
-			+ (links[4] * 4)  + (links[3] * 8)
-			+ (links[2] * 16) + (links[1] * 32)
+function technic.get_cable_tier(name)
+	return cable_tier[name]
-function technic.update_cables(pos, tier, no_set, secondrun)
-	local link_positions = {
+local function check_connections(pos)
+	-- Build a table of all machines
+	local machines = {}
+	for tier,list in pairs(technic.machines) do
+		for k,v in pairs(list) do
+			machines[k] = v
+		end
+	end
+	local connections = {}
+	local positions = {
 		{x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y,   z=pos.z},
 		{x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y,   z=pos.z},
 		{x=pos.x,   y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z},
 		{x=pos.x,   y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z},
 		{x=pos.x,   y=pos.y,   z=pos.z+1},
 		{x=pos.x,   y=pos.y,   z=pos.z-1}}
+	for _,connected_pos in pairs(positions) do
+		local name = minetest.get_node(connected_pos).name
+		if machines[name] or technic.get_cable_tier(name) then
+			table.insert(connections,connected_pos)
+		end
+	end
+	return connections
-	local links = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+local function clear_networks(pos)
+	local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
+	local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+	local placed = ~= "air"
+	local positions = check_connections(pos)
+	if #positions < 1 then return end
+	local dead_end = #positions == 1
+	for _,connected_pos in pairs(positions) do
+		local net = technic.cables[minetest.hash_node_position(connected_pos)]
+		if net and technic.networks[net] then
+			if dead_end and placed then
+				-- Dead end placed, add it to the network
+				-- Get the network
+				local network_id = technic.cables[minetest.hash_node_position(positions[1])]
+				if not network_id then
+					-- We're evidently not on a network, nothing to add ourselves to
+					return
+				end
+				local sw_pos = minetest.get_position_from_hash(network_id)
+				sw_pos.y = sw_pos.y + 1
+				local network = technic.networks[network_id]
+				local tier = network.tier
-	for i, link_pos in pairs(link_positions) do
-		local connect_type = technic.cables_should_connect(pos, link_pos, tier)
-		if connect_type then
-			links[i] = 1
-			-- Have cables next to us update theirselves,
-			-- but only once. (We don't want to update the entire
-			-- network or start an infinite loop of updates)
-			if not secondrun and connect_type == "cable" then
-				technic.update_cables(link_pos, tier, false, true)
+				-- Actually add it to the (cached) network
+				-- This is similar to check_node_subp
+				technic.cables[minetest.hash_node_position(pos)] = network_id
+				pos.visited = 1
+				if technic.is_tier_cable(name, tier) then
+					table.insert(network.all_nodes,pos)
+				elseif technic.machines[tier][] then
+					meta:set_string(tier.."_network",minetest.pos_to_string(sw_pos))
+					if     technic.machines[tier][] == technic.producer then
+						table.insert(network.PR_nodes,pos)
+					elseif technic.machines[tier][] == technic.receiver then
+						table.insert(network.RE_nodes,pos)
+					elseif technic.machines[tier][] == technic.producer_receiver then
+						table.insert(network.PR_nodes,pos)
+						table.insert(network.RE_nodes,pos)
+					elseif technic.machines[tier][] == "SPECIAL" and
+							(pos.x ~= sw_pos.x or pos.y ~= sw_pos.y or pos.z ~= sw_pos.z) and
+							from_below then
+						table.insert(network.SP_nodes,pos)
+					elseif technic.machines[tier][] == technic.battery then
+						table.insert(network.BA_nodes,pos)
+					end
+				end
+			elseif dead_end and not placed then
+				-- Dead end removed, remove it from the network
+				-- Get the network
+				local network_id = technic.cables[minetest.hash_node_position(positions[1])]
+				if not network_id then
+					-- We're evidently not on a network, nothing to add ourselves to
+					return
+				end
+				local network = technic.networks[network_id]
+				-- Search for and remove machine
+				technic.cables[minetest.hash_node_position(pos)] = nil
+				for tblname,table in pairs(network) do
+					if tblname ~= "tier" then
+						for machinenum,machine in pairs(table) do
+							if machine.x == pos.x
+							and machine.y == pos.y
+							and machine.z == pos.z then
+								table[machinenum] = nil
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			else
+				-- Not a dead end, so the whole network needs to be recalculated
+				for _,v in pairs(technic.networks[net].all_nodes) do
+					local pos1 = minetest.hash_node_position(v)
+					technic.cables[pos1] = nil
+				end
+				technic.networks[net] = nil
-	-- We don't want to set ourselves if we have been removed or we are
-	-- updating a machine
-	if not no_set then
-		minetest.set_node(pos, {name="technic:"..string.lower(tier)
-				.."_cable"..technic.get_cable_id(links)})
-	end
+function technic.register_cable(tier, size)
+	local ltier = string.lower(tier)
+	cable_tier["technic:"..ltier.."_cable"] = tier
+	local groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2}
+	local node_box = {
+		type = "connected",
+		fixed          = {-size, -size, -size, size,  size, size},
+		connect_top    = {-size, -size, -size, size,  0.5,  size}, -- y+
+		connect_bottom = {-size, -0.5,  -size, size,  size, size}, -- y-
+		connect_front  = {-size, -size, -0.5,  size,  size, size}, -- z-
+		connect_back   = {-size, -size,  size, size,  size, 0.5 }, -- z+
+		connect_left   = {-0.5,  -size, -size, size,  size, size}, -- x-
+		connect_right  = {-size, -size, -size, 0.5,   size, size}, -- x+
+	}
+	minetest.register_node("technic:"..ltier.."_cable", {
+		description = S("%s Cable"):format(tier),
+		tiles = {"technic_"..ltier.."_cable.png"},
+		inventory_image = "technic_"..ltier.."_cable_wield.png",
+		wield_image = "technic_"..ltier.."_cable_wield.png",
+		groups = groups,
+		sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
+		drop = "technic:"..ltier.."_cable",
+		paramtype = "light",
+		sunlight_propagates = true,
+		drawtype = "nodebox",
+		node_box = node_box,
+		connects_to = {"technic:"..ltier.."_cable",
+			"group:technic_"..ltier, "group:technic_all_tiers"},
+		on_construct = clear_networks,
+		on_destruct = clear_networks,
+	})
-function technic.is_tier_cable(name, tier)
-	return technic.cables[name] and technic.cables[name] == tier
+local function clear_nets_if_machine(pos, node)
+	for tier, machine_list in pairs(technic.machines) do
+		if machine_list[] ~= nil then
+			return clear_networks(pos)
+		end
+	end
-function technic.get_cable_tier(name)
-	return technic.cables[name]
-function technic.cables_should_connect(pos1, pos2, tier)
-	local name = minetest.get_node(pos2).name
-	if technic.is_tier_cable(name, tier) then
-		return "cable"
-	elseif technic.machines[tier][name] then
-		return "machine"
-	end
-	return false
-function technic.gen_cable_nodebox(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, size)
-	-- Nodeboxes
-	local box_center = {-size, -size, -size, size,  size, size}
-	local box_y1 =     {-size, -size, -size, size,  0.5,  size} -- y+
-	local box_x1 =     {-size, -size, -size, 0.5,   size, size} -- x+
-	local box_z1 =     {-size, -size,  size, size,  size, 0.5}   -- z+
-	local box_z2 =     {-size, -size, -0.5,  size,  size, size} -- z-
-	local box_y2 =     {-size, -0.5,  -size, size,  size, size} -- y-
-	local box_x2 =     {-0.5,  -size, -size, size,  size, size} -- x-
-	local box = {box_center}
-	if x1 == 1 then
-		table.insert(box, box_x1)
-	end
-	if y1 == 1 then
-		table.insert(box, box_y1)
-	end
-	if z1 == 1 then
-		table.insert(box, box_z1)
-	end
-	if x2 == 1 then
-		table.insert(box, box_x2)
-	end
-	if y2 == 1 then
-		table.insert(box, box_y2)
-	end
-	if z2 == 1 then
-		table.insert(box, box_z2)
-	end
-	return box

Gitblit v1.8.0