From 091bb2406d95e72066633b0db6dc3b601a3a4f21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SmallJoker <>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2022 19:17:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Chainsaw: Add certain dftrees "fruit"-like nodes

 technic/tools/chainsaw.lua |  579 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 files changed, 325 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-)

diff --git a/technic/tools/chainsaw.lua b/technic/tools/chainsaw.lua
index 833f830..23d1820 100644
--- a/technic/tools/chainsaw.lua
+++ b/technic/tools/chainsaw.lua
@@ -1,277 +1,348 @@
 -- Configuration
-local chainsaw_max_charge      = 30000 -- 30000 - Maximum charge of the saw
-local chainsaw_charge_per_node = 12    -- 12    - Gives 2500 nodes on a single charge (about 50 complete normal trees)
-local chainsaw_leaves          = true  -- true  - Cut down entire trees, leaves and all
+local chainsaw_max_charge      = 30000 -- Maximum charge of the saw
+-- Cut down tree leaves.  Leaf decay may cause slowness on large trees
+-- if this is disabled.
+local chainsaw_leaves = true
+local chainsaw_efficiency = 0.95 -- Drops less items
+-- Maximal dimensions of the tree to cut
+local tree_max_radius = 10
+local tree_max_height = 70
+local S = technic.getter
+Format: [node_name] = dig_cost
+This table is filled automatically afterwards to support mods such as:
+	cool_trees
+	ethereal
+	moretrees
+local tree_nodes = {
+	-- For the sake of maintenance, keep this sorted alphabetically!
+	["default:acacia_bush_stem"] = -1,
+	["default:bush_stem"] = -1,
+	["default:pine_bush_stem"] = -1,
+	["default:cactus"] = -1,
+	["default:papyrus"] = -1,
+	-- dfcaves "fruits"
+	["df_trees:blood_thorn_spike"] = -1,
+	["df_trees:blood_thorn_spike_dead"] = -1,
+	["df_trees:tunnel_tube_fruiting_body"] = -1,
+	["ethereal:bamboo"] = -1,
+-- Function to decide whether or not to cut a certain node (and at which energy cost)
+local function populate_costs(name, def)
+	repeat
+		if tree_nodes[name] == -1 then
+			tree_nodes[name] = nil
+			break -- Manually added, but need updating
+		end
+		if (def.groups.tree or 0) > 0 then
+			break -- Tree node
+		end
+		if (def.groups.leaves or 0) > 0 and chainsaw_leaves then
+			break -- Leaves
+		end
+		if (def.groups.leafdecay_drop or 0) > 0 then
+			break -- Food
+		end
+		return -- Abort function: do not dig this node
+	-- luacheck: push ignore 511
+	until 1
+	-- luacheck: pop
+	-- Function did not return! --> add content ID to the digging table
+	local content_id = minetest.get_content_id(name)
+	-- Get 12 in average
+	local cost = 0
+	if def.groups.choppy then
+		cost = def.groups.choppy * 5 -- trunks (usually 3 * 5)
+	elseif def.groups.snappy then
+		cost = def.groups.snappy * 2 -- leaves
+	end
+	tree_nodes[content_id] = math.max(4, cost)
+	local ndefs = minetest.registered_nodes
+	-- Populate hardcoded nodes
+	for name in pairs(tree_nodes) do
+		local ndef = ndefs[name]
+		if ndef and ndef.groups then
+			populate_costs(name, ndef)
+		end
+	end
+	-- Find all trees and leaves
+	for name, def in pairs(ndefs) do
+		if def.groups then
+			populate_costs(name, def)
+		end
+	end
 technic.register_power_tool("technic:chainsaw", chainsaw_max_charge)
+local pos9dir = {
+	{ 1, 0,  0},
+	{-1, 0,  0},
+	{ 0, 0,  1},
+	{ 0, 0, -1},
+	{ 1, 0,  1},
+	{-1, 0, -1},
+	{ 1, 0, -1},
+	{-1, 0,  1},
+	{ 0, 1,  0}, -- up
+local cutter = {
+	-- See function cut_tree()
+local c_air = minetest.get_content_id("air")
+local function dig_recursive(x, y, z)
+	local i = cutter.area:index(x, y, z)
+	if cutter.seen[i] then
+		return
+	end
+	cutter.seen[i] = 1 -- Mark as visited
+	if cutter.param2[i] ~= 0 then
+		-- Do not dig manually placed nodes
+		return
+	end
+	local c_id =[i]
+	local cost = tree_nodes[c_id]
+	if not cost or cost > cutter.charge then
+		return -- Cannot dig this node
+	end
+	-- Count dug nodes
+	cutter.drops[c_id] = (cutter.drops[c_id] or 0) + 1
+	cutter.seen[i] = 2 -- Mark as dug (for callbacks)
+[i] = c_air
+	cutter.charge = cutter.charge - cost
+	-- Expand maximal bounds for area protection check
+	if x < cutter.minp.x then cutter.minp.x = x end
+	if y < cutter.minp.y then cutter.minp.y = y end
+	if z < cutter.minp.z then cutter.minp.z = z end
+	if x > cutter.maxp.x then cutter.maxp.x = x end
+	if y > cutter.maxp.y then cutter.maxp.y = y end
+	if z > cutter.maxp.z then cutter.maxp.z = z end
+	-- Traverse neighbors
+	local xn, yn, zn
+	for _, offset in ipairs(pos9dir) do
+		xn, yn, zn = x + offset[1], y + offset[2], z + offset[3]
+		if cutter.area:contains(xn, yn, zn) then
+			 dig_recursive(xn, yn, zn)
+		end
+	end
+local handle_drops
+local function chainsaw_dig(player, pos, remaining_charge)
+	local minp = {
+		x = pos.x - (tree_max_radius + 1),
+		y = pos.y,
+		z = pos.z - (tree_max_radius + 1)
+	}
+	local maxp = {
+		x = pos.x + (tree_max_radius + 1),
+		y = pos.y + tree_max_height,
+		z = pos.z + (tree_max_radius + 1)
+	}
+	local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip()
+	local emin, emax = vm:read_from_map(minp, maxp)
+	cutter = {
+		area = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge=emin, MaxEdge=emax},
+		data = vm:get_data(),
+		param2 = vm:get_param2_data(),
+		seen = {},
+		drops = {}, -- [content_id] = count
+		minp = vector.copy(pos),
+		maxp = vector.copy(pos),
+		charge = remaining_charge
+	}
+	dig_recursive(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
+	-- Check protection
+	local player_name = player:get_player_name()
+	if minetest.is_area_protected(cutter.minp, cutter.maxp, player_name, 6) then
+		minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "The chainsaw cannot cut this tree. The cuboid " ..
+			minetest.pos_to_string(cutter.minp) .. ", " .. minetest.pos_to_string(cutter.maxp) ..
+			" contains protected nodes.")
+		minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, player_name)
+		return
+	end
+	minetest.sound_play("chainsaw", {
+		pos = pos,
+		gain = 1.0,
+		max_hear_distance = 20
+	})
+	handle_drops(pos)
+	vm:set_data(
+	vm:write_to_map(true)
+	vm:update_map()
+	-- Update falling nodes
+	for i, status in pairs(cutter.seen) do
+		if status == 2 then -- actually dug
+			minetest.check_for_falling(cutter.area:position(i))
+		end
+	end
+-- Function to randomize positions for new node drops
+local function get_drop_pos(pos)
+	local drop_pos = {}
+	for i = 0, 8 do
+		-- Randomize position for a new drop
+		drop_pos.x = pos.x + math.random(-3, 3)
+		drop_pos.y = pos.y - 1
+		drop_pos.z = pos.z + math.random(-3, 3)
+		-- Move the randomized position upwards until
+		-- the node is air or unloaded.
+		for y = drop_pos.y, drop_pos.y + 5 do
+			drop_pos.y = y
+			local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(drop_pos)
+			if not node then
+				-- If the node is not loaded yet simply drop
+				-- the item at the original digging position.
+				return pos
+			elseif == "air" then
+				-- Add variation to the entity drop position,
+				-- but don't let drops get too close to the edge
+				drop_pos.x = drop_pos.x + (math.random() * 0.8) - 0.5
+				drop_pos.z = drop_pos.z + (math.random() * 0.8) - 0.5
+				return drop_pos
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- Return the original position if this takes too long
+	return pos
+local drop_inv = minetest.create_detached_inventory("technic:chainsaw_drops", {}, ":technic")
+handle_drops = function(pos)
+	local n_slots = 100
+	drop_inv:set_size("main", n_slots)
+	drop_inv:set_list("main", {})
+	-- Put all dropped items into the detached inventory
+	for c_id, count in pairs(cutter.drops) do
+		local name = minetest.get_name_from_content_id(c_id)
+		-- Add drops in bulk -> keep some randomness
+		while count > 0 do
+			local drops = minetest.get_node_drops(name, "")
+			-- higher numbers are faster but return uneven sapling counts
+			local decrement = math.ceil(count * 0.3)
+			decrement = math.min(count, math.max(5, decrement))
+			for _, stack in ipairs(drops) do
+				stack = ItemStack(stack)
+				local total = math.ceil(stack:get_count() * decrement * chainsaw_efficiency)
+				local stack_max = stack:get_stack_max()
+				-- Split into full stacks
+				while total > 0 do
+					local size = math.min(total, stack_max)
+					stack:set_count(size)
+					drop_inv:add_item("main", stack)
+					total = total - size
+				end
+			end
+			count = count - decrement
+		end
+	end
+	-- Drop in random places
+	for i = 1, n_slots do
+		local stack = drop_inv:get_stack("main", i)
+		if stack:is_empty() then
+			break
+		end
+		minetest.add_item(get_drop_pos(pos), stack)
+	end
+	drop_inv:set_size("main", 0) -- free RAM
 minetest.register_tool("technic:chainsaw", {
-	description = "Chainsaw",
+	description = S("Chainsaw"),
 	inventory_image = "technic_chainsaw.png",
 	stack_max = 1,
+	wear_represents = "technic_RE_charge",
+	on_refill = technic.refill_RE_charge,
 	on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
-		if pointed_thing.type == "node" then
+		if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then
 			return itemstack
-		local meta = get_item_meta(itemstack:get_metadata())
+		local meta = minetest.deserialize(itemstack:get_metadata())
 		if not meta or not meta.charge then
-		-- Send current charge to digging function so that the chainsaw will stop after digging a number of nodes.
-		if mata.charge < chainsaw_charge_per_node then
+		local name = user:get_player_name()
+		if minetest.is_protected(pointed_thing.under, name) then
+			minetest.record_protection_violation(pointed_thing.under, name)
-		local pos = minetest.get_pointed_thing_position(pointed_thing, above)
-		meta.charge = chainsaw_dig_it(pos, user, mata.charge)
-		technic.set_RE_wear(itemstack, meta.charge, chainsaw_max_charge)
-		itemstack:set_metadata(set_item_meta(meta))
+		-- Send current charge to digging function so that the
+		-- chainsaw will stop after digging a number of nodes
+		chainsaw_dig(user, pointed_thing.under, meta.charge)
+		meta.charge = cutter.charge
+		cutter = {} -- Free RAM
+		if not technic.creative_mode then
+			technic.set_RE_wear(itemstack, meta.charge, chainsaw_max_charge)
+			itemstack:set_metadata(minetest.serialize(meta))
+		end
 		return itemstack
+local mesecons_button = minetest.get_modpath("mesecons_button")
+local trigger = mesecons_button and "mesecons_button:button_off" or "default:mese_crystal_fragment"
-        output = 'technic:chainsaw',
-        recipe = {
-                {'technic:stainless_steel_ingot', 'technic:stainless_steel_ingot', 'technic:battery'},
-                {'technic:stainless_steel_ingot', 'technic:motor',                 'technic:battery'},
-                {'',                               '',                             'default:copper_ingot'},
-        }
+	output = "technic:chainsaw",
+	recipe = {
+		{"technic:stainless_steel_ingot", trigger,                      "technic:battery"},
+		{"basic_materials:copper_wire",      "basic_materials:motor",              "technic:battery"},
+		{"",                              "",                           "technic:stainless_steel_ingot"},
+	},
+	replacements = { {"basic_materials:copper_wire", "basic_materials:empty_spool"}, },
--- The default stuff
-local timber_nodenames={["default:jungletree"] = true,
-                        ["default:papyrus"]    = true,
-                        ["default:cactus"]     = true,
-                        ["default:tree"]       = true,
-                        ["default:apple"]      = true
-if chainsaw_leaves == true then
-        timber_nodenames["default:leaves"] = true
--- technic_worldgen defines rubber trees if moretrees isn't installed
-if minetest.get_modpath("technic_worldgen") or
-   minetest.get_modpath("moretrees") then
-	timber_nodenames["moretrees:rubber_tree_trunk_empty"] = true
-	timber_nodenames["moretrees:rubber_tree_trunk"]       = true
-	if chainsaw_leaves then
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:rubber_tree_leaves"] = true
-	end
--- Support moretrees if it is there
-if( minetest.get_modpath("moretrees") ~= nil ) then
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:apple_tree_trunk"]                 = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:apple_tree_trunk_sideways"]        = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:beech_trunk"]                      = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:beech_trunk_sideways"]             = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:birch_trunk"]                      = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:birch_trunk_sideways"]             = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:fir_trunk"]                        = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:fir_trunk_sideways"]               = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:oak_trunk"]                        = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:oak_trunk_sideways"]               = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:palm_trunk"]                       = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:palm_trunk_sideways"]              = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:pine_trunk"]                       = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:pine_trunk_sideways"]              = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:rubber_tree_trunk_sideways"]       = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:rubber_tree_trunk_sideways_empty"] = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:sequoia_trunk"]                    = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:sequoia_trunk_sideways"]           = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:spruce_trunk"]                     = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:spruce_trunk_sideways"]            = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:willow_trunk"]                     = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:willow_trunk_sideways"]            = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:jungletree_trunk"]                 = true
-        timber_nodenames["moretrees:jungletree_trunk_sideways"]        = true
-        if chainsaw_leaves then
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:apple_tree_leaves"]        = true
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:oak_leaves"]               = true
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:sequoia_leaves"]           = true
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:birch_leaves"]             = true
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:birch_leaves"]             = true
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:palm_leaves"]              = true
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:spruce_leaves"]            = true
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:spruce_leaves"]            = true
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:pine_leaves"]              = true
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:willow_leaves"]            = true
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:jungletree_leaves_green"]  = true
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:jungletree_leaves_yellow"] = true
-                timber_nodenames["moretrees:jungletree_leaves_red"]    = true
-        end
--- Support growing_trees if it is there
-if( minetest.get_modpath("growing_trees") ~= nil ) then
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:trunk"]         = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:medium_trunk"]  = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:big_trunk"]     = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:trunk_top"]     = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:trunk_sprout"]  = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:branch_sprout"] = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:branch"]        = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:branch_xmzm"]   = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:branch_xpzm"]   = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:branch_xmzp"]   = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:branch_xpzp"]   = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:branch_zz"]     = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_trees:branch_xx"]     = true
-        if chainsaw_leaves == true then
-                timber_nodenames["growing_trees:leaves"] = true
-        end
--- Support growing_cactus if it is there
-if( minetest.get_modpath("growing_cactus") ~= nil ) then
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:sprout"]                       = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_sprout_vertical"]       = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_sprout_vertical_fixed"] = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_sprout_xp"]             = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_sprout_xm"]             = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_sprout_zp"]             = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_sprout_zm"]             = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:trunk"]                        = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_trunk"]                 = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch"]                       = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_xp"]                    = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_xm"]                    = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_zp"]                    = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_zm"]                    = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_zz"]                    = true
-        timber_nodenames["growing_cactus:branch_xx"]                    = true
--- Support farming_plus if it is there
-if( minetest.get_modpath("farming_plus") ~= nil ) then
-   if chainsaw_leaves == true then
-      timber_nodenames["farming_plus:cocoa_leaves"] = true
-   end
--- Table for saving what was sawed down
-local produced
--- Saw down trees entry point
-chainsaw_dig_it = function(pos, player,current_charge)
-        local remaining_charge=current_charge
-        -- Save the currently installed dropping mechanism so we can restore it.
-	local original_handle_node_drops = minetest.handle_node_drops
-        -- A bit of trickery here: use a different node drop callback
-        -- and restore the original afterwards.
-        minetest.handle_node_drops = chainsaw_handle_node_drops
-        -- clear result and start sawing things down
-        produced = {}
-        remaining_charge = recursive_dig(pos, remaining_charge, player)
-        minetest.sound_play("chainsaw", {pos = pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 10,})
-        -- Restore the original noder drop handler
-        minetest.handle_node_drops = original_handle_node_drops
-        -- Now drop items for the player
-        local number, produced_item, p
-        for produced_item,number in pairs(produced) do
-                --print("ADDING ITEM: " .. produced_item .. " " .. number)
-                -- Drop stacks of 99 or less
-                p = {
-                        x = pos.x + math.random()*4,
-                        y = pos.y,
-                        z = pos.z + math.random()*4
-                }
-                while number > 99 do
-                        minetest.env:add_item(p, produced_item .. " 99")
-                        p = {
-                                x = pos.x + math.random()*4,
-                                y = pos.y,
-                                z = pos.z + math.random()*4
-                        }
-                        number = number - 99
-                end
-                minetest.env:add_item(p, produced_item .. " " .. number)
-        end
-        return remaining_charge
--- Override the default handling routine to be able to count up the
--- items sawed down so that we can drop them i an nice single stack
-chainsaw_handle_node_drops = function(pos, drops, digger)
-        -- Add dropped items to list of collected nodes
-        local _, dropped_item
-        for _, dropped_item in ipairs(drops) do
-                if produced[dropped_item] == nil then
-                        produced[dropped_item] = 1
-                else
-                        produced[dropped_item] = produced[dropped_item] + 1
-                end
-        end
--- This function does all the hard work. Recursively we dig the node at hand
--- if it is in the table and then search the surroundings for more stuff to dig.
-recursive_dig = function(pos, remaining_charge, player)
-        local node=minetest.env:get_node(pos)
-        local i=1
-        -- Lookup node name in timber table:
-        if timber_nodenames[] ~= nil then
-                -- Return if we are out of power
-                if remaining_charge < chainsaw_charge_per_node then
-                        return 0
-                end
-                local np
-                -- wood found - cut it.
-                minetest.env:dig_node(pos)
-                remaining_charge=remaining_charge-chainsaw_charge_per_node
-                -- check surroundings and run recursively if any charge left
-                np={x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
-                if timber_nodenames[minetest.env:get_node(np).name] ~= nil then
-                        remaining_charge = recursive_dig(np, remaining_charge)
-                end
-                np={x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1}
-                if timber_nodenames[minetest.env:get_node(np).name] ~= nil then
-                        remaining_charge = recursive_dig(np, remaining_charge)
-                end
-                np={x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1}
-                if timber_nodenames[minetest.env:get_node(np).name] ~= nil then
-                        remaining_charge = recursive_dig(np, remaining_charge)
-                end
-                np={x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
-                if timber_nodenames[minetest.env:get_node(np).name] ~= nil then
-                        remaining_charge = recursive_dig(np, remaining_charge)
-                end
-                np={x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1}
-                if timber_nodenames[minetest.env:get_node(np).name] ~= nil then
-                        remaining_charge = recursive_dig(np, remaining_charge)
-                end
-                np={x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1}
-                if timber_nodenames[minetest.env:get_node(np).name] ~= nil then
-                        remaining_charge = recursive_dig(np, remaining_charge)
-                end
-                np={x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}
-                if timber_nodenames[minetest.env:get_node(np).name] ~= nil then
-                        remaining_charge = recursive_dig(np, remaining_charge)
-                end
-                np={x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1}
-                if timber_nodenames[minetest.env:get_node(np).name] ~= nil then
-                        remaining_charge = recursive_dig(np, remaining_charge)
-                end
-                np={x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1}
-                if timber_nodenames[minetest.env:get_node(np).name] ~= nil then
-                        remaining_charge = recursive_dig(np, remaining_charge)
-                end
-                return remaining_charge
-        end
-        -- Nothing sawed down
-        return remaining_charge

Gitblit v1.8.0