From 053fa59739f4b772174bf0a090969b3395ab3f98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kpoppel <>
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 00:19:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Merge pull request #38 from kpoppel/master

 technic/cnc.lua |  453 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 files changed, 268 insertions(+), 185 deletions(-)

diff --git a/technic/cnc.lua b/technic/cnc.lua
index 6e763ef..ad3dc67 100644
--- a/technic/cnc.lua
+++ b/technic/cnc.lua
@@ -1,201 +1,284 @@
--- Technic CNC v1.0 by kpo
+-- Technic CNC v1.0 by kpoppel
 -- Based on the NonCubic Blocks MOD v1.4 by yves_de_beck
+-- Idea:
+--   Somehow have a tabbed/paged panel if the number of shapes should expand
+--   beyond what is available in the panel today.
+--   I could imagine some form of API allowing modders to come with their own node
+--   box definitions and easily stuff it in the this machine for production.
 local shape = {}
-local size = 0
 local onesize_products = {
-   slope                   = 2,
-   slope_edge              = 1,
-   slope_inner_edge        = 1,
-   pyramid                 = 2,
-   spike                   = 1,
-   cylinder                = 2,
-   sphere                  = 1,
-   stick                   = 8,
-   slope_upsdwn            = 2,
-   slope_edge_upsdwn       = 1,
-   slope_inner_edge_upsdwn = 1,
-   cylinder_hor            = 2,
-   slope_lying             = 2,
-   onecurvededge           = 1,
-   twocurvededge           = 1,
+   slope                    = 2,
+   slope_edge               = 1,
+   slope_inner_edge         = 1,
+   pyramid                  = 2,
+   spike                    = 1,
+   cylinder                 = 2,
+   sphere                   = 1,
+   stick                    = 8,
+   slope_upsdown            = 2,
+   slope_edge_upsdown       = 1,
+   slope_inner_edge_upsdown = 1,
+   cylinder_horizontal      = 2,
+   slope_lying              = 2,
+   onecurvededge            = 1,
+   twocurvededge            = 1,
 local twosize_products = {
-   element_straight        = 4,
-   element_end             = 2,
-   element_cross           = 1,
-   element_t               = 1,
-   element_edge            = 2,
+   element_straight         = 4,
+   element_end              = 2,
+   element_cross            = 1,
+   element_t                = 1,
+   element_edge             = 2,
-local showbackground = "--"
-local max_cncruns  = 99
-local max_products = 99
+local cnc_formspec =
+   "invsize[9,11;]"..
+   "label[1,0;Choose Milling Program:]"..
+   "image_button[1,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope.png;slope; ]"..
+   "image_button[2,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope_edge.png;slope_edge; ]"..
+   "image_button[3,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope_inner_edge.png;slope_inner_edge; ]"..
+   "image_button[4,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_pyramid.png;pyramid; ]"..
+   "image_button[5,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_spike.png;spike; ]"..
+   "image_button[6,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_cylinder.png;cylinder; ]"..
+   "image_button[7,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_sphere.png;sphere; ]"..
+   "image_button[8,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_stick.png;stick; ]"..
+   "image_button[1,1.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope_upsdwn.png;slope_upsdown; ]"..
+   "image_button[2,1.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope_edge_upsdwn.png;slope_edge_upsdown; ]"..
+   "image_button[3,1.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope_inner_edge_upsdwn.png;slope_inner_edge_upsdown; ]"..
+   "image_button[4,1.5;1,1;technic_cnc_cylinder_horizontal.png;cylinder_horizontal; ]"..
+   "image_button[1,2.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope_lying.png;slope_lying; ]"..
+   "image_button[2,2.5;1,1;technic_cnc_onecurvededge.png;onecurvededge; ]"..
+   "image_button[3,2.5;1,1;technic_cnc_twocurvededge.png;twocurvededge; ]"..
+   "label[1,3.5;Slim Elements half / normal height:]"..
+   "image_button[1,4;1,0.5;technic_cnc_full.png;full; ]"..
+   "image_button[1,4.5;1,0.5;technic_cnc_half.png;half; ]"..
+   "image_button[2,4;1,1;technic_cnc_element_straight.png;element_straight; ]"..
+   "image_button[3,4;1,1;technic_cnc_element_end.png;element_end; ]"..
+   "image_button[4,4;1,1;technic_cnc_element_cross.png;element_cross; ]"..
+   "image_button[5,4;1,1;technic_cnc_element_t.png;element_t; ]"..
+   "image_button[6,4;1,1;technic_cnc_element_edge.png;element_edge; ]"..
+   "label[0, 5.5;In:]"..
+   "list[current_name;src;0.5,5.5;1,1;]"..
+   "label[4, 5.5;Out:]"..
+   "list[current_name;dst;5,5.5;4,1;]"..
+   "list[current_player;main;0,7;8,4;]"
---showlabelin  = ""
---showlabelout = "label[4.5,5.5;Out:]"
+local size     = 1;
--- I want the CNC machine to be a two block thing
-minetest.register_node("technic:cnc", {
-	description = "CNC Milling Machine",
-        tiles       = {"technic_cnc_top.png", "technic_cnc_bottom.png", "technic_cnc_side.png",
-		       "technic_cnc_side.png", "technic_cnc_side.png", "technic_cnc_front.png"},
-        drawtype    = "nodebox",
-        paramtype   = "light",
-        paramtype2  = "facedir",
-        node_box    = {
-	   type  = "fixed",
-	   fixed = {
-	      {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
-	   },
-        },
-        selection_box = {
-	   type = "fixed",
-	   fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
-        },
-        groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, cracky=3, dig_immediate=1},
-	can_dig = function(pos,player)
-		     local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos);
-		     local inv = meta:get_inventory()
-		     if not inv:is_empty("input") or not inv:is_empty("output") then
-			minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "CNC machine cannot be removed because it is not empty");
-			return false
-		     end
-		     return true
-		  end,
+-- The form handler is declared here because we need it in both the inactive and active modes
+-- in order to be able to change programs wile it is running.
+local form_handler = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
+			------------------------------------------
+			-- Program for half/full size
+			if fields["full"] then
+			   size = 1
+			   return
+			end
+			if fields["half"] then
+			   size = 2
+			   return
+			end
+			-- Resolve the node name and the number of items to make
+			local meta       = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
+			local inv        = meta:get_inventory()
+			local inputstack = inv:get_stack("src", 1)
+			local inputname  = inputstack:get_name()
+			local multiplier = 0
+			for k, _ in pairs(fields) do
+			   -- Set a multipier for the half/full size capable blocks
+			   if twosize_products[k] ~= nil then
+			      multiplier = size*twosize_products[k]
+			   else
+			      multiplier = onesize_products[k]
+			   end
+			   if onesize_products[k] ~= nil or twosize_products[k] ~= nil then
+			      meta:set_float( "cnc_multiplier", multiplier)
+			      meta:set_string("cnc_user", sender:get_player_name())
+			   end
+			   if onesize_products[k] ~= nil or (twosize_products[k] ~= nil and size==2) then
+			      meta:set_string("cnc_product",  inputname .. "_technic_cnc_" .. k)
+			      --print(inputname .. "_technic_cnc_" .. k)
+			      break
+			   end
+			   if twosize_products[k] ~= nil and size==1 then
+			      meta:set_string("cnc_product",  inputname .. "_technic_cnc_" .. k .. "_double")
+			      --print(inputname .. "_technic_cnc_" .. k .. "_double")
+			      break
+			   end
+			end
+			return
+		     end -- callback function
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-			  local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
-			  if technic_cnc_api.allow_menu_background == true or technic_cnc_api.allow_menu_background == 1 then
-			     showbackground = "background[-0.15,-0.25;8.40,11.75;technic_cnc_background.png]"
+-- The actual block inactive state
+   "technic:cnc",
+   {
+      description = "CNC Milling Machine",
+      tiles       = {"technic_cnc_top.png", "technic_cnc_bottom.png", "technic_cnc_side.png",
+		     "technic_cnc_side.png", "technic_cnc_side.png", "technic_cnc_front.png"},
+      drawtype    = "nodebox",
+      paramtype   = "light",
+      paramtype2  = "facedir",
+      node_box    = {
+	 type  = "fixed",
+	 fixed = {
+	    {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
+	 },
+      },
+      selection_box = {
+	 type = "fixed",
+	 fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
+      },
+      groups = {cracky=2},
+      legacy_facedir_simple = true,
+      on_construct = function(pos)
+			local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
+			meta:set_string("infotext", "CNC Machine")
+			meta:set_float("technic_power_machine", 1)
+			meta:set_string("formspec", cnc_formspec)
+			local inv = meta:get_inventory()
+			inv:set_size("src", 1)
+			inv:set_size("dst", 4)
+		     end,
+      can_dig = function(pos,player)
+		   local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos);
+		   local inv = meta:get_inventory()
+		   if not inv:is_empty("src") or not inv:is_empty("dst") then
+		      minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty");
+		      return false
+		   else
+		      return true
+		   end
+		end,
+      on_receive_fields = form_handler,
+   })
+-- Active state block
+minetest.register_node("technic:cnc_active", {
+			  description = "CNC Machine",
+			  tiles       = {"technic_cnc_top_active.png", "technic_cnc_bottom.png", "technic_cnc_side.png",
+					 "technic_cnc_side.png",       "technic_cnc_side.png",   "technic_cnc_front_active.png"},
+			  paramtype2 = "facedir",
+			  groups = {cracky=2,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
+			  legacy_facedir_simple = true,
+			  can_dig = function(pos,player)
+				       local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos);
+				       local inv = meta:get_inventory()
+				       if not inv:is_empty("src") or not inv:is_empty("dst") then
+					  minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "CNC machine cannot be removed because it is not empty");
+					  return false
+				       end
+				       return true
+				    end,
+			  on_receive_fields = form_handler,
+		       })
+-- Action code performing the transformation
+   { nodenames = {"technic:cnc","technic:cnc_active"},
+     interval = 1,
+     chance   = 1,
+     action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
+		 local meta         = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
+		 local eu_input     = meta:get_int("LV_EU_input")
+		 local state        = meta:get_int("state")
+		 local next_state   = state
+		 -- Machine information
+		 local machine_name         = "CNC"
+		 local machine_node         = "technic:cnc"
+		 local machine_state_demand = { 50, 450 }
+		 -- Setup meta data if it does not exist. state is used as an indicator of this
+		 if state == 0 then
+		    meta:set_int("state", 1)
+		    meta:set_int("LV_EU_demand", machine_state_demand[1])
+		    meta:set_int("LV_EU_input", 0)
+		    return
+		 end
+		 -- Power off automatically if no longer connected to a switching station
+		 technic.switching_station_timeout_count(pos, "LV")
+		 -- State machine
+		 if eu_input == 0 then
+		    -- Unpowered - go idle
+		    hacky_swap_node(pos, machine_node)
+		    meta:set_string("infotext", machine_name.." Unpowered")
+		    next_state = 1
+		 elseif eu_input == machine_state_demand[state] then
+		    -- Powered - do the state specific actions
+		    local inv   = meta:get_inventory()
+		    local empty = inv:is_empty("src")
+		    if state == 1 then
+		       hacky_swap_node(pos, machine_node)
+		       meta:set_string("infotext", machine_name.." Idle")
+		       local result = meta:get_string("cnc_product")
+		       if not empty and minetest.registered_nodes[result] ~= nil and inv:room_for_item("dst",result) then
+			  next_state = 2
+		       else
+			  meta:set_string("cnc_product", "") -- Reset the program
+		       end
+		       --minetest.chat_send_player(meta:get_string("cnc_user"), "CNC machine does not know how to handle this material. Please remove it.");
+		    elseif state == 2 then
+		       hacky_swap_node(pos, machine_node.."_active")
+		       meta:set_string("infotext", machine_name.." Active")
+		       if empty then
+			  next_state = 1
+		       else
+			  meta:set_int("src_time", meta:get_int("src_time") + 1)
+			  if meta:get_int("src_time") >= 3 then -- 3 ticks per output
+			     local result = meta:get_string("cnc_product")
+			     -- check if there's room for output in "dst" list
+			     if inv:room_for_item("dst",result) then
+				-- CNC does the transformation
+				------------------------------
+				meta:set_int("src_time", 0)
+				-- take stuff from "src" list
+				srcstack = inv:get_stack("src", 1)
+				srcstack:take_item()
+				inv:set_stack("src", 1, srcstack)
+				-- Put result in "dst" list
+				inv:add_item("dst",result .. " " .. meta:get_int("cnc_multiplier"))
+			     else
+				next_state = 1
+			     end
-			  meta:set_string("formspec", "invsize[8,11;]"..
-					  "label[0,0;Choose Milling Program:]"..
-					  "image_button[0,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope.png;slope; ]"..
-					  "image_button[1,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope_edge.png;slope_edge; ]"..
-					  "image_button[2,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope_inner_edge.png;slope_inner_edge; ]"..
-					  "image_button[3,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_pyramid.png;pyramid; ]"..
-					  "image_button[4,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_spike.png;spike; ]"..
-					  "image_button[5,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_cylinder.png;cylinder; ]"..
-					  "image_button[6,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_sphere.png;sphere; ]"..
-					  "image_button[7,0.5;1,1;technic_cnc_stick.png;stick; ]"..
+		       end
+		    end
+		 end
+		 -- Change state?
+		 if next_state ~= state then
+		    meta:set_int("LV_EU_demand", machine_state_demand[next_state])
+		    meta:set_int("state", next_state)
+		 end
+	      end
+  }) 
-					  "image_button[0,1.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope_upsdwn.png;slope_upsdwn; ]"..
-					  "image_button[1,1.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope_edge_upsdwn.png;slope_upsdwn_edge; ]"..
-					  "image_button[2,1.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope_inner_edge_upsdwn.png;slope_upddown_inner_edge; ]"..
-					  "image_button[5,1.5;1,1;technic_cnc_cylinder_horizontal.png;cylinder_horizontal; ]"..
+technic.register_LV_machine ("technic:cnc","RE")
+technic.register_LV_machine ("technic:cnc_active","RE")
-					  "image_button[0,2.5;1,1;technic_cnc_slope_lying.png;slope_lying; ]"..
-					  "image_button[1,2.5;1,1;technic_cnc_onecurvededge.png;onecurvededge; ]"..
-					  "image_button[2,2.5;1,1;technic_cnc_twocurvededge.png;twocurvededge; ]"..
-					  "label[0,3.5;Slim Elements half / normal height:]"..
-					  "image_button[0,4;1,0.5;technic_cnc_full.png;full; ]"..
-					  "image_button[0,4.5;1,0.5;technic_cnc_half.png;half; ]"..
-					  "image_button[1,4;1,1;technic_cnc_element_straight.png;element_straight; ]"..
-					  "image_button[2,4;1,1;technic_cnc_element_end.png;element_end; ]"..
-					  "image_button[3,4;1,1;technic_cnc_element_cross.png;element_cross; ]"..
-					  "image_button[4,4;1,1;technic_cnc_element_t.png;element_t; ]"..
-					  "image_button[5,4;1,1;technic_cnc_element_edge.png;element_edge; ]"..
-					  "label[0, 5.5;In:]".. -- showlabelin..
-					  "list[current_name;input;0.5,5.5;1,1;]"..
-					  "field[3, 6;1,1;num_cncruns;Repeat program:;${num_cncruns}]".. -- Fill default with meta data num_cncruns
-					  "label[4, 5.5;Out:]".. -- showlabelout..
-					  "list[current_name;output;4.5,5.5;1,1;]"..
-					  "list[current_player;main;0,7;8,4;]"..
-					  showbackground)
-			  meta:set_string("infotext", "CNC Milling Machine")
-			  meta:set_string("num_cncruns", 1 );
-			  local inv = meta:get_inventory()
-			  inv:set_size("input", 1)
-			  inv:set_size("output", 1)
-		       end,
-	on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
-			       ------------------------------------------
-			       -- Program for half/full size
-			       if fields["full"] then
-				  size = 1
-				  return
-			       end
-			       if fields["half"] then
-				  size = 2
-				  return
-			       end
-			       local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
-			       local inv = meta:get_inventory()
-			       -- Limit the number entered
-			       if( fields.num_cncruns  and tonumber( fields.num_cncruns) > 0 and tonumber(fields.num_cncruns) < 100 ) then
-				  meta:set_string( "num_cncruns", fields.num_cncruns );
-			       else
-				  minetest.chat_send_player(sender:get_player_name(), "CNC machine runs set to a bad value. Machine resets.");
-				  meta:set_string( "num_cncruns", 1 );
-				  fields.num_cncruns = 1
-			       end
-			       -- Do nothing if the machine is empty
-			       if inv:is_empty("input") then
-				  return
-			       end
-			       -- Do nothing if the output is not empty and the product used is not the same as what is already there
-			       -- Resolve the node name and the number of items to make and the number of items to take
-			       local product    = ""
-			       local produces   = 1
-			       local input_used = 1
-			       local inputstack = inv:get_stack("input", 1)
-			       local inputname  = inputstack:get_name()
-			       local multiplier = 1
-			       for k, _ in pairs(fields) do
-				  -- Set a multipier for the half/full size capable blocks
-				  if twosize_products[k] ~= nil then
-				     multiplier = size*twosize_products[k]
-				  else
-				     multiplier = onesize_products[k]
-				  end
-				  if onesize_products[k] ~= nil or twosize_products[k] ~= nil then
-				     product    = inputname .. "_technic_cnc_" .. k
-				     produces   = math.min( fields.num_cncruns*multiplier, max_products)  -- produce at most max_products
-				     input_used = math.min( math.floor(produces/multiplier), inputstack:get_count()) -- use at most what we got
-				     produces   = input_used*multiplier -- final production
-				     print(size)
-				     print(fields.num_cncruns)
-				     print(product)
-				     print(produces)
-				     print(input_used)
-				     print("------------------")
-				     break
-				  end
-			       end
-			       -- CNC does the transformation
-			       ------------------------------
-			       if minetest.registered_nodes[product] ~= nil then
-				  inv:add_item("output",product .. " " .. produces)
-				  inputstack:take_item(input_used)
-				  inv:set_stack("input",1,inputstack)
-			       else
-				  minetest.chat_send_player(sender:get_player_name(), "CNC machine does not know how to mill this material. Please remove it.");
-			       end
-			       return;
-			    end, -- callback function
-     })
--- Milling Machine Recipe
+-- CNC Machine Recipe
 			   output = 'technic:cnc',

Gitblit v1.8.0